◾ Chapter - 20 ◾

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"Well that was a blast." I Tease my cousins as we enter the chateau. 

"Yeah it was." Ashley yawns and heads towards the kitchen and Blake follows.

"C... you coming for dinner?" He asks.

"You guys go head... I gotta talk to my father." I say and head upstairs to his study.

Okay Chloe, this is it. You have to talk to him. Don't hesitate, just ask straight up. 

I knock on the wooden door twice and wait for him to answer. 

"Come in" He answers and I walk in with a weird feeling in my stomach. I mean what's the worst he can do? Deny. Not that its gonna stop me. One way or the other... I'm gonna do what I want.

"Hey... umm, I needed to talk to you about something." I say in a low voice, but loud enough for him to hear. And why is running all around his room?

"Hey hon... can you grab my laptop for me.."

"Yeah sure.." I hand it over to him and he keeps it in his bag. "You going somewhere?" 

"Actually yes. Your uncle, aunt and I have to leave for Dubai instantly. Its an urgent meeting. Is there any chance you can wait until next Thursday?" He says, going through his drawer.

"You're going away for a week?" 

"Yeah.. Told ya its important." He nods apologetically.

"Ya no worries... we can talk when you come back." With that I leave his office.

 30 minutes later or so the three of them are at the front door with their bags. 

"Be safe honey... And Blake, take care of your sisters." Aunt Val says and gives us all a hug. While Uncle Alex is talking to his kids, I walk up to my dad.

"Be safe please... will you?" I say and he pulls me in a hug.

"I will pumpkin." And I return the gesture. We wave at them as their cars drive off to the airport. 

"Where did they go?" Jacob's voice sound from behind us.

"When did you get here?" I ask as we all head inside.

"At the time of your family goodbyes." He jokes, making me chuckle. He really is a different person when he is not trying to be an arrogant ass. 

"Okay sucker... I'm calling it a day. This is Ashley Martinez signing off." She gives us a two finger salute on her way to her room.

"Aren't you sleepy?" Blake questions.

"Nah... Just bored. Do you have some games to play?" The moment these words are out of my mouth, J and Blake grin at each other and then at me. "What? Am I in trouble?" I smile nervously.

"No princess Chloe..." Jacob stands in front of me with an extended hand which I nervously take. "Its time that we, the princes of the Martinez gang take you to our palace" He smiles proudly, making me laugh at him, and drags me to the stairs while Blake follows behind.

We then walk to basement and stand in front of the door, that dad said is for these both jokers to show me. Jacob unlocks it. "Welcome to our Kingdom." He welcomes me inside. 

Since that day I've been wondering what was behind these doors. And honestly, not even once the thought of this being  gaming den crossed my mind. Yup, it is grand room, with shelves stacked with video games. The consoles are attached to a huge plasma screen, opposite a black couch. 

Headphones and controllers are kept on the side tables. Right now the room is brightly lit, but I can see the L.E.Ds attached in corners of the rooms. 

I go around looking over everything, remembering how, Reece Tris and I use to have one, back at Tristen's place. Of course, it was way smaller than this but It was our jam. We'd spend hours in there. A smile spreads on my lips at the memories. 

"You like it?" I hear Blake's voice ask.

"I love it." I turn to both of them. "So... up for getting your asses kicked." I smirk, holding the Fortnight C.D. 

"Whose the cocky one now?" Jacob teases. "If you think you can beat me, then you are highly mistaken Little C."

"We'll see at the end of the game." I smirk back and grab the headphones and the controller.

"Loser treats at Sunny Side tomorrow." Blake pipes in.

"What is sunny side?" I ask confused.

"Oh yeah... I totally forgot to tell you, its a small diner just down the street. Our usual hangout spot." He explains and I nod at the piece of information. 

"And where Mia works." Jacob smirks, wiggling his eyebrows at my brother, who all of a sudden goes pink at the mention of the girls name.

"Oooo... Whose Mia" I inquire teasingly, narrowing my eyes at him.

"No one." Blake says almost immediately, so turn to J.

"Blake's had a crush on her since middle school. But never had the balls to tell her." We laugh and Blake glares at us.

"You look so adorable." I pinch his cheek, mimicking the voice you use when talking to babies.

"Can we concentrate on the game please." He changes the topic, slapping my hand away.


A short but sweet chapter. I love this one. What are your thoughts about it. Tell me in the comments. Do we have any gamer reader here? 

P.S. I Love You. Haha, yeah that's a movie. I didn't have anything to say so... Yeah, have a good day/week/year/rest of your life ya all. 

▪ Peace ▪

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