◾ Chapter - 11 ◾

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My father is looking at me with intense eyes, while I'm just sitting on my bed playing with my hoodie strings. "Can you please hurry up... I got some faces to punch today." I finally say.

He nods and takes in a deep breath. "Have you heard of the gangs in New York?" He asks and I nod.

"Good, I run one of one of the most powerful gang among those." 

"What?" Tris and I say in unison. He nods. Holy shit. I'm the daughter of a the greatest Mafia king. I don't know what to do? Should I be proud of it or... Well to be honest, I'm definitely proud. And then its hits me.

"Holy shit... The Martinez?" I ask him with wide eyes. My jaw practically on the floor and he nods again. Now, I'm officially freaking out. Oh my god. 

"That's right... that's our gang. Coming back to the talk, When we found out about you... the gangs were at war. All the other gangs were against us... and the one that was our ally, betrayed us." 

"Mom was in a gang... with you." That's not possible. My mom was a sheriff. Gangs and mafia... hell no.

"Yeah she was" He chuckles. "She ran the gang with me. So, we didn't want them to use you as a leverage against us. We thought if the word got out about Celia being pregnant they would wanna kill both you and your mom. And I rather die than let anything happen to my girls. So we decided, that your mom will leave without anyone knowing about it." He explains. My mom ran a Mafia gang? Sorry... but what does one do when they find out that their parents are the Mafia king and queen, running the most powerful gang in the world.

"This house... its your nana's. This is where your mom grew up, in this very town. The house where I met her for the first time. But that's a story for another time." He smiles at me and I try to smile back with teary eyes. "The day your mom left... the word was spread that Celia Martinez died in a car accident." 

"Why did the gangs turn on you?" I ask. 

"Umm. At that time... the gang just got descended to me, because your grandpa died. I was your age back then." He nods towards Reece. "They thought now that pops gone, they can take down the The Martinez, the-" 

"Most powerful gang for centuries." Tris and I finish his sentence. Its hard to process everything... but right now... I'm feeling angry. I'm feeling angry at Reece. I don't know how... but he knew all of it. I'm not dumb. I can put two and two together. 

Instead of saying anything to my father I turn to Reece. He looks at me with guilt filled eyes. Coz he knows what I'm about to say.

"And you didn't tell me." I say... "You lied to me. Why Reece?" Suddenly his eyes, finding the floor interesting. 

"Chloe... Its not his fault... We told him to stay quite." Dad pipes in.

"No, its not about the secret. Its about my trust. I mean for fuck's sake you didn't even tell Tris and then you were MIA on us for three days. What are we to you Reece? A joke." No answer. 

"How did you even find out huh?" I walk up to him and push him hard. He looks at my father and then back at me. "Oh so now you need his permission. What are you now.. his little bitch?" 

"Chole... I told you its not his fault." 

"I don't want your advice..." I glare at him.

"I'll tell you..." He offers.

"NO... I wanna listen from him." I look back at him. 

"It was the day we had to go to Alice's party." He begins. "I came back from Carlos and was looking for my jacket in my room when I saw it on your desk chair through the window. I knew the window was locked so went through the front door. There I saw him with your mom." He nods at my father. "I was pissed and started acting out. I thought he was some rando hooking up with her. That's when Celia told me what he just told you." 

"Wow Dude... You're screwed." Tris chuckles humorlessly. 

"So you are saying... you met my dad and you didn't even care to tell me. Not even a hint. Wow Reece, thank you. Fine.. mom made you swear about the secret, though I don't understand why it is a secret." I look back at my dad. "You could have just said something about him being here." I glare at him.

"Why were you here in the first place?" I turn to him.

"The people that attacked the house that day... were the same people from the gangs back in New York. They had some old beef with her. Celia was keeping tabs on them from the day she came here. After the war they were dormant but past few weeks they showed movement. She got worried so she called me. I saw that as chance to meet her after so many years, a chance to see my daughter fight in that Arena." He smiles sadly. 

"Wait... how do you know about the Arena?" 

"Your mom and I used to talk from time to time. She spent at least two hours, complaining to me about you the first time she caught you sneaking out." He chuckles. But that's not what I am focused on. 

"You guys use to talk." I say. "And not even ones... you thought of me, to talk to me. I mean, what am I to you guys... fucking nothing." I yell at both of them, tears now on freefall.

"Chloe..." Reece takes a step forward and I take one back.

"Don't touch me. All of you kept me in the dark, why? Oh yeah.. because you wanted to fucking protect me." I sneer. "Well you know what? I don't need your protecting. I can do that on my own." With that, I grab my car keys, my gym bag and head out. "Tris you coming?" I yell from the stairs. 

"Yeah... wait up." 



"Yeah... wait up" Tris yells back and with one last glare he walks out.

What have I done. I messed it all. Fuck... why am I such an idiot. 

I sit on the bed with my head in my hands. I feel the mattress beside me dip so I look up. Mr. Martinez. "Its not your fault son... Don't blame yourself. You just did what we asked of you." He puts his hand on my back. 

But she's mad at me. What if she never talks to me. What if she never wants to see my face. 

"How long?" He asks out of the blue.

"How long what?" I ask with confusion evident in my voice.

"How long have you had feelings for her?"

"What..? What are you talking about?" I play dumb and avert my gaze else where. I'm not having this conversation right now and definitely not with her dad. 

"Oh please... don't even try denying it. I've see the way you care for her. I know it boy. I've been there, trust me." He smirks making me smile. 

"I'm not having this conversation with you." I leave the old man laughing to himself and sprint out of the house. 

What the hell just happened. 


The secret is finally out people. But do you think that's all. Is Chloe okay with all the answers she got? Well, that's something you'll find in the next chapter. Comment and tell how did you feel about this. What would have been your reaction if it was you in Chloe's place. 

P.s. I love John B, JJ, Daniel Seavey, Jack Avery, Zach Herron, Jonah Marais and Corbyn Besson. (Just felt like saying it :) 

▪ Peace ▪

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