◾ Chapter - 18 ◾

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"Dude, you've been training too hard... you should take a break. There's no point in draining yourself out."

"I'm fine Tristen." I grit and start punching my punching bag.

"No you're not. You don't eat properly and then you train like your life depends on it." He circles around me. I start punching harder like my life really depends on it.

"The championship is in 3 weeks. I have no choice but to train harder."

"Don't give me that shit. Chloe and you have been to 3 championships and not even once you trained like this." He says with a smug expression only making me angrier.

"Well Chloe is not here any more. Its no longer a partner thing. I have to do this on my own." I snap. Does he have to rub that in my face every second of every day. The more I try to get her out of my mind the more people remind me of her.

Before he can reply with another smart ass remark, my phone goes off. I walk up to it and see Carlos' name flashing on the screen.

"Where are you kid?" He asks as soon as I put it against my ear.

"At the gym. Why?" I look at Tristen who gives me a blank look.

"Need to talk... in my office in 5" He orders and hangs up.

What the fuck was that.

"Who was it?"

"Carlos. Says he needs to talk." I inform. He shrugs and starts walking to the exit while I follow behind after unwrapping my hands.

As we are walking down the corridors girls, send me me flirtatious looks and giggle as I pass them. Not bothering to even look at them twice I start walking faster. Not that they are not beautiful, its just... none of them is like her. They might have everything, they might even fall for me, but the girl I fell for was my Eve. She has heart of gold. Even if I don't see her for the rest of my life, she will always have a piece of my heart. That will always belong to her.

"What is it Carl." Tristen barges in.

"C'mon in and sit down." He motions us to sit on the couch.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

"Yeah.. got news for you." He says in a hushed voice.

"And why are we whispering." Tristen mocks him.

"I don't know.." He replies, making me chuckle lightly. "Anyways..." he clears his throat.

"So as you know that the championship is in 3 weeks... and every time the chief guest is a famous personality."

"Yeah.." I say in bored tone. "If this was the important talk then sorry to burst your bubble buddy... I already knew."

"Bring that sass down a notch, kid and Let me finish." He sneers. "So this time Its the gang leader of the most powerful gang in Texas. The Crusaders." He smirks proudly and suddenly all my attention is on Carlos.

"No shit." Tristen pipes in.

"Wait until I get to the interesting part." He smirks

"Rumors have it... that they are looking for young fighters. So the hunt has brought him to The Arena. The winner of this years championship will get a direct pass into the gang as its fighter." He explains.

"No fucking way." Tris and I say at the same time. If that's true... then there's no way I'm letting that chance go. I have to win this. If I get into the gang I'll have access to all other gangs. And hopefully, I get my hands on Andres.



*couple of days later*

"Morning Chloe." Blake greets as he enters the kitchen.

"Morning Blake." I smile back.

"So... what are your plans for today." Ash asks as I sip on my coffee next to her.

"I don't know. You tell me. What can I do."

"Lets go shopping." She chimes with shiny eyes.

"Yeah... I don't really do shopping until its an emergency." I confess.

"That makes two of us." Blake laughs and I join him.

"Umm how abou-" Ash is cut off by someone storming into the kitchen.

And its none other than... Drum roll please.... Jacob Grumpy pants Hood. Its been like 5 days since I came here and we haven't talked after that incident. He's been busy being his cocky/arrogant self and I've done my best to ignore him.

"Get out of my face." He scowls at Ash.

"Well good morning to you too Hood." She snaps.

"Yeah whatever." He dismisses her.

"Aww.... Is Little Jacob back on his man periods." What the fuck... I choke on my coffee. I look at Blake and he is already in a laughing fit. After calming my hysterical coughing I look at Ash and Jacob. They are shooting daggers at each other.

"Okay... that's enough for today." I intertwine.

But Mr. Ass wipe turns to glare at me. "Okay... what's your beef with me? What did I do to you?" I glare back.

But he just shakes his head and leaves. "Yeah thought so." I shout and on his way to the front door, he flips me off.

"Asshole." I shout, but its too late. He slams the door and walks away.

Okay.... I've had enough.

"Where did you guys find him? Mental asylum?" I ask my cousins and they both laugh.

"Its not his fault You know. He's an actual teddy bear. Its just this month that's so hard on him." Ash defends him.

"Wait.. are you saying he..."

"Oh no.. Is that even possible?" She laughs knowing what I was suggesting.

"Its his Dad's death Anniversary today. You just met him at the wrong time. This time of the year... He just wants to be left alone. Especially today. " Blake finishes for her.

Now I feel sad for him. The rage and anger already a thing of the past. I mean I was a mess after I lost my mom. The nightmare of losing both my parents scared me to death. Can't even imagine what he's going through. But sure as hell I can relate.

"He just stays alone all day and the next day when he comes back he's more himself." Blake explains.

"But why would you guys leave him alone?" I ask.

"Ahh... because he wants us to." Ash says in a duh tone. "I mean, sometimes its just okay to have your own time."

"Trust me Ash... its the last thing he wants right now. Take it from the girl who just lost her mom. If it wasn't for Reece and Tristen... I don't know where I would be right now." I confess and they both nod.

"You're right C, we shouldn't leave him alone." He nods. "So... whose up for a movie day?"

"Me..." Ash and I chime together. "Okay... I'll get the movies... you guys are on snacks duty." He says and walks upstairs.

Today's gonna be fun.


Reece is going after Andres too. Who do you think will get him first? Chloe or Reece. Let me know in the comments. Also... do you like grumpy Jacob or nice teddy bear kind Jacob. As far as I'm concerned I like the teddy Jacob. Coz only I know what he is like.

hehehehe. I know I'm wicked.

P.S. The song on the top is not related to the chapter. I put it there coz I'm hooked to it and I want all of you to listen to that beauty. Now all of you gonna say that its an old one. But how does it matter when I'm already in LOOOOVVVVVEEEEE. 

▪ Peace ▪

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