◾ Chapter - 34 ◾

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After an hour of driving, I pull up at a gas station. In the corner, I can see a diner, and I cannot be more blessed than that. 

"You hungry?" I ask as I step out of the car. 

"You wait in there, I'll get the gas." He nods towards the dinner. I shrug and toss him the keys. Dude, I'm starving.

 The lady at the cash counter gives me a pleasant smile, As I let the mouthwatering smell of pancakes and coffee, greet me. I take a seat at the far back corner and wait for my grumpy partner in crime.

I was afraid that the car ride's gonna be awkward. It actually wasn't. I drove humming with the melodies of the song playing in the radio while he just sat there staring at the passing scenery. It was a comfortable silence and I kinda liked it.

"What can I get for you hon?" The lady comes at my table at the same time Reece enters the diner. "I'll have a grilled sandwich with extra cheese and some fries. For my friend, it'll be a cheese burger without tomatoes. For the drinks; A Vanilla and a strawberry milkshake." I smile at her. 

She smiles back but with a certain gleaming look in her eyes. The one that Ash gives me when I'm talking about Reece. 

"I see you've ordered." He slides down into the booth opposite to me.

"Can't wait for an eternity, you see." If you know what I mean.

He nods and starts drumming his fingers on the table. I slap his hands and he looks at me with a smirk. "You know I hate that." 

He is about to say something, but his phone starts ringing. "Hello?" The person on the other side says something.

"Really? That's great. Ring me when you get there." He smiles. And for a moment I forgot I have to breath. 

"No, I'm on my way to Philadelphia for some work. I'll be back tomorrow evening." He informs and then hangs up after a goodbye and take care. I want to ask who it was. But I won't. He's not talking to me and he hurt me. So, instead I reply to some of my texts. Ash sent me a picture of Tris and her, from the plane. Ella too, with J. Blake just wishes me a safe drive. 

And Tris said "just don't kill each other. Love ya."  I smile at the that and send him reply.

"I already buried his body in the woods." 

I glance up to see what's he doing, only to find him string at my hands. I look at them and remember that I had bruised knuckles. I'm about to pull them off the table, but he grabs them.

His eyes examine the purple blueish patterns, as if they are some specimen, and then his thumb caresses them lightly. I flinch a bit, only to receive a stone hard glare. What did I do now?

"Why'd you do that?" He asks in a low voice. 

"I do things when I'm mad." I shrug. He sighs in what sounds like frustration, running a hand through his hair. The smiley lady returns back with our food. I hear him mumble something between the lines of, "This is all my fault." I let it slide coz I'm not sure. 

Not bothered by his proud look on seeing his meal, I dig into my sandwich. 

He really thought I'll forget about him hating tomatoes in his burger. We both eat in silence and after paying, step into the cold windy night, leaving the warmth of the diner behind.

"Car keys please." I ask, extending my palm.

"You wish." He snorts, walking to the driver's side. 

"Give me the car keys, King." I glare at him, but it all goes to vein because of the stupid smile that plasters itself on my lips. Stupid, stupid smile.

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