◾ Chapter - 35 ◾

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I want to kiss her so bad. Those soft pink lips are so damn tempting.

She's so lost in my eyes that she doesn't even realize, I just handed her, her phone. The pair of hazel eyes, trails down to my lips and when they reach my torso, the tenderness in them is replaced by a stone hard glare. Her brows knot together and her lips part.

With a shaky hand she traces the scar on my collar bone, makin a shiver run down my spine. Her icy finger tips make their way to the second scar on my chest and then to the ones on my abdomen. 

"Who did this to you?" She asks in a broken and anger filled voice. 

"Being a gang member is not easy Chloe. You should be the last person asking me that." I gesture towards her bruised knuckles, stepping away. 

"Why are you doing this Reece? Why are you shutting me out like that?" Honestly, I've been asking myself the same question since the night of the party. 

"I'm not doing anything." I start to walk away, not wanting argue with her, but she starts again. 

"Yeah... walk away. Coz that's what you good at, abandoning and giving up on people." She snaps. I can't believe she just said that. Her chest rises and falls rapidly, as she tries to calm down. 

I can't really blame her. I did abandon her. I did let her go away. And right now, I'm doing the same. Maybe we're better off this way. "Go get ready Chloe. The party is about to start." 

Pissed, she scoffs at me, Grabs her stuff and slams the door of the bathroom behind her. 

Why can't I just tell her, how I feel? Why the fuck am I pushing her away?

Because you're scared of what she might say. You're afraid that she might not want you back, or she might not feel the same. 

Can you just keep that to yourself please. I know its true, but its fucking depressing.

After I get dressed in the outfit, my Eve chose for me, I leave the room to get some air and clear my head. Have to admit, she has a great taste. Though I might have to ask for her help to tie the bow tie. I've never been good with that shit. When I get back, I hear her footsteps in the closet. 

"Hey Chloe... Can you hel-" Holy shit. 

Breath Reece. Breath. 

 You kidding me? She looks so sexy. 

Her right leg is propped on the chair, as she straps her knives to her thigh. My eyes travel down her body, taking in every curve. 

"You were saying something?" I snap out of my daze and see her standing in front of me.

"Huh?" I raise my eyebrows, as he walks closer to me.

"You were saying..." She trails off, smirking. Is it okay if I skip the party and kiss this goddess standing before me. 

"Yeah... Can- Can you help me with this?" I stutter, making her smirk grow wider. She knows how this affects me. She knows how much control she has over me. 

"Nah... It looks better this way." She smoothens it with her hands and walks outside to put on her heels. God, she's only making it harder for me to resist the urge to kiss her senseless.

"Here," She comes back and hands me a small black box.

"What's this?" I open the box, to find a shinny silver Rolex sitting inside. "Wow."

"It was actually supposed to be your 19th birthday gift, but..." She trails off looking at her hands. "Anyways, thought you might need it today." She shrugs with a small smile as I strap my gift on my wrist.

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