◾ Chapter - 29 ◾

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"You guys can come out now. Its safe." I inform and  people from every corner start to spill into the lot. "Great job guys. Is any one hurt." I turn to look around for any injured person. 

But the sight before my eyes makes my heart drop. It sinks deeper with every step they take. I watch them with horror stricken eyes, too shocked to say anything.  Its like the time just slowed down. 

For a second, my eyes dart behind them to see a masked guy trying to shoot. So I pull out my gun and aim it directly at the guy behind them. "Don't move." I order and they comply. 

"Chloe what are you doing? They are with us." Without paying attention to Jacob's words, I shoot the guy right between his eyes. They look back as his lifeless body crumples to the ground and then at me. 

"Is that...?" Ashley trails off, recognizing. 

The sound of something heavy falling, causes me to tear my gaze from them and look at the girl who is about to collapse.

"I got you." I catch her before she hits the ground. "Jacob, get the car."

"Ella" He runs over to us. 

"I'm fine Reece. The bullet just grazed me." She nods sheepishly.

"Take her to the hospital right now." I tell Jacob and he helps her into his car. 

My heart starts thumping inside my chest as I feel his presence behind me. I never thought I'd see them again and yet, here they are. Not sparing another glance at him or Tristen, I walk over to Mark and help him to his buddy's car. 

"Lets get this over with." I nod at Blake and Ashley. On one command from me, all the trucks rev to life and start filing into the airplane. "These three are coming with us." I tell Ashley. 

Tristen tries to come up to me, but my phone goes off. I see dad's name flash on the screen so I just turn in the opposite direction to take the call.

"Chloe... You okay honey... What about the others. Are you guys safe?" He rambles.

"Yeah, It was a close call, but we all are all right." He sighs on relief.

"Just get on that plane and come back home. I don't care about some stupid guns. I just want my kids back home. Safe and sound." He orders. 

"Did you know about the people Toni was sending as our backup?" 

"No... why? Something wrong." Yes. Everything in the world is wrong right now. They are not suppose to be here. 

"We'll talk when I get home." I sigh and hang up. 


"Careful..." I help Ella into the house. Val and Alex instantly pull Ash and Blake into a hug and then me and Jacob. Once in the living room, my dad does the same and rambles on about how he was worried about us. 

"Reece? Tristen? What are you guys doing here?" He asks once they enter behind us. My question exactly. Dad looks at me with questioning eyes.

"Don't look at me. I burned my phone to keep them away." I huff, rolling my eyes in annoyance. "Can we have a word?" I ask and motion them to follow me to my mom's study.

"What the fuck do you think you both are doing?" I growl once the door behind me is closed. 

"Well good to see you too Chloe. What a warm welcome." Tristen says sarcastically. 

"You think this a joke Tristen? Why are you guys even here?" I ask looking at both of them. Reece just stands there with his hands shoved in his pocket. For some reason, I wanna slap him and hug him at the same time. Its been like what? 5 months since I last saw him. 

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