◾ Chapter - 23 ◾

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"What is she talking about?" I slam the paper on my fathers desk. Fury and anger radiating form me. I need nothing but answers. What does she want me to forgive her for?

Valery and Alex join us while I shoot daggers at my father as he reads the letter. 

"Chloe... honey please calm down." She says. 

"Calm down? You really wanna say that to me right now? You said don't jump to conclusions on your own, Well here I am, tell me what is this all about? What was so dear to you and mom that was taken away? What made her do things that killed her." I cry, with tears streaming down my face.

"Sit down Chloe." He orders in a firm voice. He sighs and looks at his brother who nods, and then at me. 

"The dear thing your mom is talking about is.. is your sister." He says, but I think I heard it wrong. Did he sister?

"I-I had a sister?" I ask in disbelief. He nods. "And I am finding this out now." He doesn't say anything and continues.

"Her name was Allison. She was 3 years older than you. She had these long beautiful golden hair, and amber eyes, just like mom." A painful yet happy smile appears on his lips as he remembers her. I had a sister and not once my mom cared to tell me about her. Wow, how wonderful is that. 

And then it hits me. Everything falls back into place with a bit of loop holes . Now I know where this is heading and it pains me. This excruciating pain erupts through my heart and fuels the burning fire of my rage. 

"When you Gramps got sick, All the other gangs turned on us, even our greatest Allies." 


"They thought, they can take the Martinez down now that their leader is retiring. One of our allies...-" 

"Andres." I speak for him, no longer holding it as a thought.

"They told our enemies all about our family, about our kids. An- And, They took Allison away from us. They kidnapped her from a friend's birthday party. My little girl, she was only three." A tear rolls down his face, but this time I refuse to shed any. I have to channel them into something else. 

"They asked us to come to Chicago if we wanted her alive, but it was a trap set to take me down. The heir of the gang. Allison was never there, They... They umm, killed her the moment she got into her hands." Not saying anything, I quietly get up and smash my fist into the cabinet glass. It was getting too hard for me to control, I had to to break something. Even If its not that motherfucker's neck for now.

"CHLOE.." Val yells with her makeup running down her face. 

"I'm fine." I raise my bloody hand up in mock surrender. My sister and Jacob's dad, all of them killed by one. And the motherfucker still came after my mom in Texas. If I was angry before, then what I'm feeling now, 100x more than that.

"When your mom found out what has happened, she was broken. Shattered to the core. She locked herself into a room for days, Not even eating or talking to anyone. And well, as your mom's letter says Dad passed away a couple of days later. That was the day she decided to have her vengeance. The water was way over her head coz she had lost so many people dear to her. 

She went after Andres and all those people who betrayed us, She killed all of them except for that bastard. That's where she did a mistake. Instead of him, she killed his wife, condemning him to an eternity of suffering. The pain and suffering she went through upon losing her loved ones.

When all if it was over, Andres and his inner circle went underground, but Celia put tabs on them. And that's when we found out about you. Considering what happened with Allison, we agreed to take you away from all this. Where you are not harmed by anyone." He looks at me with mixed emotions. 

 "Say something." He pleads, when I just stare into nothingness. My fist closed so tight that my nails are digging in my palm. 

"I don't think she did anything wrong." I finally say. "If I were in her place I'd do the same. Well, I will do the same." I stare at him with pure confidence and determination. "I wanna join the gang." 

Dad closes his eyes and runs a hand through his hair in frustration. "I can't let you do that." He fires back.

"But why?" I stand up from my char, making it fall behind me.

"Because I don't want you to do the same mistake your mom did. I don't want you spend nights crying. You might think its good idea now, But when its done, that's when your guilt kicks in. It will crumple you to pieces Chloe." 

"I don't care. If you think I can break more than I am right now, then you are mistaken. I will kill that bastard, with you or without you. Its your call to make." I shout.

"Oh you think being, a gang member is easy? Tell me Chloe... Are you ready to cut all your ties from the outside world. And when I say all, I mean the ones in Texas too. Are you ready to forget them and put them behind." He snaps back. 

Not gonna lie, mention of Reece and Tristen did take me off guard, but this is no time to do that. I can't let this guard down, not now not ever. In a way its a good thing, after having to sever all my ties, I'll have nothing to lose, I'll have nothing holding me back. Also, it'll keep them safe. So I stand my ground and confront my father.

"If that means I get to kill my mom's, my sister's Jacob's dad's murderer... then yes. I am ready to cut all ties from the world." 

He looks at Alex who gives him a look that says 'I told you.' and my dad drops back on his leather chair. "You sound so much like our father Chloe." Alex starts. 

"That old man, was outrageous and dynamic as you are. He liked playing with fire, and the best part is, he was never afraid of it. Even if he was, he never let it on. You are a true Martinez my child, I don't care what your father says today... I'm always here to have your back, no matter what." I nod at him, glad to hear those words. It really meant a lot to me. 

"I need time to think." With that he dismisses me and I directly go down to the gym to smash some punching bags.


Finally, all of it is out now. Chloe had a sister. Nothing is stopping her from going after Andres now. 

P.S. Daniel Seavey is turning 23 tomorrow. Yup, its his birthday. 

▪ Peace ▪

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