◾ Chapter 15 ◾

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By the time we reach New York its almost night fall. It was a good thing that it was a noon stop flight. As I de board the plane, I see a row of 5 cars parked at a distance and a man and women standing in front of them surrounded by bodyguards. 

"That must be your uncle and aunt." Dad answers my unasked question. I nod and we both head towards them. 

"Sebastian..." Uncle Alex walks to us with open arms. "Look at you Chloe... All grown up." He smiles and pull me in a bear hug, while dad hugs aunty Val. She then walks up to me and gives me a hug. 

"I'm so glad you decided to come." I give her a smile. Now that I see her in a stable state she much more beautiful. 

"C'mon lets go now." Both of us walk to the SUV while dad and uncle Alex climb the limo. "They have business to discuss." She answers and I nod.

"Ashley's been running around the entire house all day. She even called all her friends and told them that her sister was coming to stay. She's probably getting your room done." She laughs and I chuckle. To say I'm not surprised by that revelation wouldn't be a lie. I've never had someone who'd be happy to see me. Its always been mom, Tristen, Reece and I. A small family. We never visited anyone and no one cared enough to visit us. So... yeah... I guess it would be great to have people around. 

"Even Blake and Jacob as well." Valery smiles. Jacob.. who is Jacob.

"Umm... who is Jacob?" I ask not really remembering the name for dad's list of acquaintances.

"Oh... Jacob is Blake and Ashley's best friend. His parents passed away when he was a kid, so your dad and uncle took him under their wings. He doesn't stay with us, but he's around almost all day." I nod at the piece of information. 

Couple of minutes later the cars pull into a huge drive way through huge iron gates. "Welcome home honey." Val smiles and we both climb down the car. Dad follows behind with uncle Alex. The moment I step in through the huge oak doors, I'm tackled into a hug. 

"Hi Chloe..." A girly voice sound in my ear and I pat her back not really sure how to react. By the amount of excitement radiating off of her I'm guessing its Ashley. 

"Hi Ashley..." I say in a timid voice.

"Let the girl breath Ash." A voice from behind says. 

"Oh I'm so sorry.." She pulls away. Holy shit... Damn She's so beautiful. Long Raven hair, just like her mother and brown eyes just like her father. 

"Hi... I'm Ashley... your cousin." She says excitedly. "Oh my god you're so beautiful." She squeals, making me blush a little. Well that's new. 

"That's enough, now let me meet my baby sister." I look up at the handsome brunette boy who walks up to me with a flattering smile. Honestly, it was the statement he made that flattered me more than the looks. 

baby sister.

 "You must be Blake." I extend my hand.

"Oh C'mon." He chuckles and pulls me into a warm hug. "So happy to see you Chloe. Welcome to the family." He says. "Told ya she'd know me." He says to Ashley ones we pull apart, who just sticks her tongue out like a baby. We all laugh at that. 

"C'mon kids... its time for dinner." Valery says and both of them escort me to the dining room. Its a huge room, with a dining table in the middle with chairs surrounding it. A classy yet grand chandelier hangs in the middle of the ceiling, illuminating the entire hall. I take my own merry time to take in my surroundings. This entire place is like 100 times my house. 

"Blake... Where's Jacob?" Dad asks.

"He had some work by the warehouse." He nods as we all sit at the table. 

"Whose saying the grace today?" Ashley chimes and they all look at my dad. 

"Fine.." He huffs. With that we all hold each others hands and bow our heads. 

"Dear god, we are thankful of you for keeping our family safe everyday. We are thankful for this food and a safe return of my daughter Chloe Evelin Martinez." He smiles at me. Now I know where all my mom's graces came from. 

The dinner was full of chatter and me telling them about my life back in Texas. We all laughed at Uncle Alex's childhood stories.

After a long time I feet happy. Like a part that was always missing in me was now found. But the other one is gone. Nevertheless, it feels great to have people around you who love you. Who you get to call family. And I'm so thankful to god for this family.

The moment we finish up, Ashley drags me to my new room. Val was right to say that she is super excited. My room is on the first floor of this huge ass mansion. 

And holy shit... is it big? Fuck yeah. Its like twice the size of my previous room. It has a balcony and every girls dream; a walk in closet. I walk around the room with a huge smile plastered on my face. 

The walls are painted white and cosmic latte. I'm glad its not the girly pink. In the middle sits a queen sized bed with pillows matching to the color scheme of the room. Right in front of the bed is the plasma t.v. and in the left corner sits the desk with a book shelf right above it. 

"Its beautiful." I smile at Ash.

"I'm so glad you liked it. We can always make some changes later if you want."

"No.. its perfect. I love it." I shake my head. Why would I wanna change anything.

"Oh wait until you see your closet girl." She smirks and pulls me into the closet. It as big as my old room, with a huge ass variety of cloths. From short dresses to long party gowns. From leggings to jeans, From plip flops to Versa Che heels. 

Holy shit I'm in love. 

"I think I'm gonna pass out." I laugh and she joins me. The rest of the night Ash and I sit in my room and chat our asses off. I never knew having a girl friend/ sister is such a blessing. I mean Its lovely to have someone your age who literally understands all your problems. 

Around 2 in the morning we both decide to got to bed. Ashley offers to stay in my room so that I don't feel alone for the night. After a couple of minutes of staring at the celling, I drift off to planet drool. 


I know this chapter wasn't as hot and happening as the others but it was important to introduce you all to Chloe's family. Also, next chapter reveals Jacob Hood. Like quite literally coz, I'm gonna upload a picture. Any guesses who it might be?

P.s. I started writing for my 1st book again. Go check it out. 'After All This Time.' And I want Why don't we to release tour dates ASAP. 😫

▪ Peace ▪

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