Ch. 3- Practice Makes Perfect

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Hope's POV

It was time for the whole sports thing. I wake up and slap Penelope with a pillow. She quickly sits up and rolls her eyes.

Pe: I hate you.

H: You love me now let's go try out for football.

Pe: I'm seriously going to kill you.

H: We both know you can't or I'll come back as a vampire.

Pe: Not so loud, we still have two "humans" in here.

I roll my eyes and grabbed clothes. Penelope got up and slapped the back of my head and went into my bathroom. I groan and Penelope chuckles.

H: You'll be my next target for practice today.

Pe: Kiss my ass Mikaelson.

Penelope closes the door and I changed into the clothes I picked out. I sat on my bed and waited for Penelope's slow ass to get out of the shower.

Josie's POV

Lizzie shook me awake. I slapped her arm away and she smacked me. I stood up and seen Mg in here.

J: Why is he-

Mg: I'm here for Lizzie.

J: I get that but shouldn't you be outside waiting-

Li: Shush and let's go to tryouts.

J: Do I have to do tryouts?

Lizzie nods and Mg smiled. I roll my eyes and they said they'd meet me downstairs. I changed into clothes and met up with them. We went to the cafeteria and sat with another guy. He introduced himself as Kaleb. He seemed nice.

Ka: We might not even have tryouts.

Mg: What do you mean Kaleb?

Ka: Well not a whole bunch of people will be playing this year.

Li: Why's that?

Ka: People cheat. It's basically va-

Mg: They just cheat. They make it a lot harder then it should.

Kaleb looked at him in disbelief. He smiled and we all ate our food. That was a weird encounter.

Soon after we all got done eating everyone's moods seemed to change. I looked around and seen the same girl from yesterday in the library with a group. Hope walks over to us and smirks.

Li: Hope Mikaelson. I'm so glad you showed up.

H: I wouldn't have missed it for the world. May I sit with you guys.

Mg: O-of course Hope.

H: Thank you Milton.

Mg gulped and I stood up. I grabbed my food and threw it out. Lizzie came up to me.

Li: Where you going?

J: You told me to stay away from the girl in the library, well that's the girl in the library.

Li: Oh my gosh, no way. Really?

J: Yeah, I'll see you around.

I walked away and walked out into the hallway. I felt someone's hand on my arm and I looked at them. It was Hope.

H: You won't join us?

J: No, I'll be in my room.

H: Which is (whatever room number they are).

J: How'd you know?

Hope smirked and held up a file. I raised an eyebrow and she opened it, showing that it was my file.

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