S6 Ch7- Enemy Alert

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Freya's POV

I locked Josie, Lizzie and Cleo inside. Rebekah, Davina and Keelin were here. Rebekah was holding someone by their arms. Marcel and I sigh of relief and Kol looked livid.

Ko: Who the bloody hell are you!?

Re: This is Benjamin.

Ma: Benjamin, as in one of the vampires that Hope tried to take off his finger Benjamin?

Re: Yep, turns out he somehow found another ring he could use. He was also following Josie and whoever else is here with her.

Fr: We thought you were on a trip.

Re: We came back after we burned all of the-

Ma: Don't say another word. We got it.

Da: So what do we do with this guy?

Fr: Throw him in the dungeon.

Ke: Kol and Marcel keep an eye on this guy.

Ko: Guard duty, isn't that just fantastic.

Kol rolled his eyes and grabbed the guy by the arm as hard as he could. Marcel followed Kol to the dungeon after Kol kissed Davina's cheek.

Ke: So what did we miss?

Fr: Hope and Josie are in danger. Right now Josie only thinks Hope is in danger.

Re: Why would she think that?

Fr: Because I told her. If she finds out more about the danger they're in then who knows what will happen.

Da: We need to tell her Freya. It's only right. Hope will protect Josie and Josie will make sure Hope takes care of herself. The least we can do is be honest with Josie.

Re: I agree with Davina. They've been fighting for each other ever since they met.

Fr: We'll tell her later, right now we need to dodge all drinks for the next 24 hours.

Ke: Why?

Fr: Cleo apparently knows how to put truth weed in our pipes without us looking.

Rebekah nods and I undid the spell that locked Josie, Lizzie and Cleo all in the compound. We walked inside and saw three angry teenagers. Looks like we might be in danger.

Josie's POV

Once Freya came inside. I crossed my arms and Freya smiled awkwardly.

Re: Oh forget it. We all know you can't beat Freya in a witch fight.

J: I never said I wanted to fight her. I wanna know why she made us stay inside when we are perfectly capable of handling ourselves.

Re: Because you guys are still kids, you shouldn't have to worry about this. Hope shouldn't even be worrying about this either. It's a bond that'll last you guys forever, that's all you guys need to know.

J: We also need to know who's after us. If we can find out than maybe we can be a little more prepared.

Re: There is no preparing when your bonded with a Mikaelson. You just go on a rampage until everyone is scared of you. That's how my brother survived.

Li: Mostly because he was paranoid. If you let us help it'll make things easier.

Da: Easier!? You guys are still kids. You guys won't win this argument at all. Not against 4 adults that know more than you guys.

J: You guys think we can't help? We've showed multiple times that we can help. We've been through so many things as a group.

H: Stop pissing Josie off and allow them to help.

Everyone looked towards the door and saw Hope standing there with her arms crossed. Everyone also seemed surprised to see Hope around. She smiled and crossed her arms.

H: Astral projection, which means I won't be here for long but I need you guys to get along.

Fr: How did you know we were arguing?

H&J: The bond.

Hope's smile grew even more. I looked down and smiled and I could tell everyone was sharing the same look. The look of "what the hell just happened".

Li: Hold on just a minute.

I look over at Lizzie and she has a ridiculous facial reaction.

Li: You guys did not just say something in-sync. Freya what does that mean?

Fr: It means it's growing stronger. The stronger they are the more powerful they are.

H: Okay back to what I was saying, you guys all need to get along. It's giving me a headache with how pissed Josie is right now. I'm trying to research something with the squad or I was anyway. So please do me a favor and get along.

Everyone nods at Hope. Hope disappears and everyone looked at me.

Da: So what's the plan?

Re: You can't be bloody serious about allowing kids to help.

Fr: If we cause Hope anymore headaches then who knows what will happen.

Ke: I say we keep the kids out of this Freya and Davina. We can't let Hope's mate get hurt.

Fr: Well if we piss Josie off anymore then Hope will come back more furious then we've ever seen her.

Re: I don't like this.

J: Okay, let's all just figure out a game plan.

Li: For what?

J: I overheard their conversation with this Benjamin guy.

Fr: How?

J: I guess we all have tricks up our sleeves.

Fr: I have an idea.

Cl: What's the idea?

Fr: We bring Klaus back from the dead for about 48 hours at least and then makes sure he scares you kids off to bed before you guys get hurt.

Re: So you're finally taking our side?

Fr: I always take your guys side.

J: Sorry but no. You guys may know a lot about the bond but try experiencing it first hand. It's not easy especially when you have tons of emotions running through your body.

Fr: Fine but you have to leave the fighting to the adults. Got it?

Li: Yeah whatever. Let's just figure this out.

We were talking about everything and trying to come up with something. I rub at my temples and felt my phone vibrate. I took it out of my pocket and saw Hope was calling. I answered it.

H: Tale deep breaths. Everything is okay. Don't stress yourself out.

J: This bond is going to be the death of me.

H: I won't allow that to happen and you know this. We'll be fine, we will figure this out. I promise.

J: We'll be back by the end of this week.

H: Take your time. Don't worry about rushing.

J: Okay, I miss you.

H: I miss you more.

Hope hung up and I sighed. Lizzie turned to me. I sat down in a chair and Lizzie joined me.

Li: You okay?

J: Yeah, I just need a moment to rest.

Fr: You kids can go get some sleep. We'll discuss more in the morning.

We left them and went to go get ready for bed. After getting ready, Lizzie and Cleo fell asleep. I stared up into the ceiling, thinking of the bond, the monsters, the school and most importantly my relationship with Hope.

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