S2 Ch. 6- We Can't

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Josie's POV

Rafael and I walked around. I couldn't stand there any longer. Rafael stopped walking and I looked at him.

Ra: Will you be my girlfriend?

J: I'm going to be honest...

Ra: You choose Landon. Right? Every girl has done this.

J: No, I'd never choose him and I'm kind of offended that you think that.

Ra: Oh okay, then what's up?

J: We can't date.

Ra: If you already have someone then we can keep this a secret.

I shake my head and he raises an eyebrow.

J: I'm not looking to date anyone. I just found out about what this school actually is. I'm trying to work on being more comfortable about it.

Ra: So you found out that we are all freaks that are walking around on this earth?

J: I wouldn't say that but I did just find out about the supernatural world.

Rafael nods and I hand him back the flowers. He hands them back to me and I take them.

Ra: Keep em. I'll be waiting for you.

J: Please don't.

Ra: Why?

J: You should live your life and not wait around for someone.

Ra: So you want me to go to parties and what not?

I nod and he smiles.

Ra: So friends?

J: Of course.

His smile widens and he says goodbye. I watch him leave and drop the flowers but they don't hit the ground. Grizzle was standing right in front of me.

Gr: You dropped these by the way.

J: I didn't want them anyway.

Gr: So about earlier.

J: I don't want to hear your lame apology.

Gr: Well you're going to anyway. I'm sorry for how I acted. I know I shouldn't have acted that way, I'm just used to getting my way. I'll do better and be better for you. Anything you need, I'll do it. Or get it whatever it is that you need.

J: Right now, I need you to leave me alone.

Gr: Right, I knew it was going to be hard for you to understand so I already set up a date.

J: I thought I rejected you?

Gr: Well I won't send anyone after Hope and I understand if you don't want to go out with me but that just means I'll have to tell Rafael why you really dumped him.

J: I just don't want a relationship.

Grizzle smirks and I raise an eyebrow.

Gr: Hope is the one you truly desire.

J: No she's not.

Gr: She has darkness, a darkness that consumes you. She's mysterious and it attracts you. You want to know everything about her but you know she would never trust you with such secrets. So you slowly edge your way into her life. Now that you know that she likes you, maybe even loves you, you'll wait for her. That's the only reason you don't want a relationship. You're waiting on Hope.

J: No I'm not. Hope isn't my type.

Gr: Keep telling yourself that. You fell in love with the darkness. She fell in love with the lightness. You bring out the good in her and maybe even the worse. Hope's too scared to find out because she doesn't want to be like her father but you, you could care less. You want to be bad so it'll attract her more. You want Hope all to yourself.

J: No I-

Gr: Oh you very much do. You seen her talk to a couple of people before she magically disappeared one night. You got jealous that you had to turn away and flirt with Jade. Which is such a low by the way. Jade could basically be Hope's twin.

J: You have no idea what you're saying.

Gr: What I'm saying is that you want Hope just the way she wants you. You guys are either destined to be together or you guys will tear each other apart. So how about that date?

He smirks and I shake my head. He frowns and I smile.

Gr: Hope would be so proud of you right now.

J: Well good thing Hope isn't here.

I walked away, leaving Grizzle behind. I couldn't listen to him spill anymore lies. It's like he wanted to aggravate me. So much lies, I hate it but I can't stop to think that maybe he was right.

Hope's POV

*Time skip to a month*

It has been a month since I've been away from the school. Penelope kept me updated on the schools situation. Nothing entirely bad went down besides all the boys falling at Josie's feet. Kol takes my phone and I try to take it away from him.

Ko: Aren't we supposed to be on a mission?

H: We've been at this for a full month. I think we can calm down now.

Ko: Do you know how many people want you dead?

H: Lots, so what?

Ko: That's not a normal thing Hope. Like you said, we need to finish this once and for all.

H: Well we obviously can't if we keep stopping at hotels to rest when vampires don't even need rest.

Kol lays down in a bed.

Ko: Old vampires need rest and be careful because your still a hybrid. You haven't completed the full transition, nor have you died.

H: Because you won't let me.

Ko: Being a vampire isn't easy. You'll be asking for death once you turn. Plus with your tiny body and all the power you'll be carrying, you'd probably want to die even more. Nobody ever comes across a tribrid. You're rare, don't try to complete everything so quickly.

H: How's Davina?

Ko: Shes good. How's uh bird boy?

H: Broke his heart awhile ago.

Kol sits up and looks at me.

Ko: I thought he broke up with you?

H: I was trying to seem cool uncle Kol.

Kol laughs and Rebekah steps out of the bathroom.

Re: So what do you think is going on in Mystic Falls?

H: Josie is getting hit on by a bunch of kids at school.

Re: How do you-

H: Penelope tells me everything.

Re: So your spying on Josie?

H: More like Penelope is just giving me information until I return all of her texts.

Fr: You haven't talked to her yet?

I shake my head and they all cross their arms in sync.

H: What? I've been busy.

Fr: Doing what?

H: Making sure Kol doesn't steal my phone from me again.

Ko: This was my first time, stop being like Rebekah.

Re: You're dramatic Kol.

Ko: Whatever Bex.

I roll my eyes and we all got ready for bed. After we got in bed, we all fell asleep. Tomorrow was going to be another long and boring day. I can't wait.

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