S7 Ch7- A Week Later, Close To Home Time

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Hope's POV

It has been almost a week, almost a week of staying in the AirBnb. I've had fun with Mg, Josie and Lizzie. They were amazing people to hang out with. We've done all types of fun things and gathered little souvenirs for the ride home. The sunsets were beautiful and even the sun rises. Mg and Lizzie are engaged now. He finally proposed and Lizzie accepted.

Mg and Lizzie had decided to go home early, which worked because I helped get them a ticket. It's boring after you've done everything but this was for Josie. It was for her little getaway. She would research nonstop so I decided to plan this for her. Which leads us to me and Josie dropping Mg and Lizzie off at the airport.

J: Have a safe flight you two.

Li: You guys have fun here, I'm feeling a little homesick.

Mg: We're about to miss our flight, you guys can call and text when we land.

J: Okay, bye everyone.

Mg and Lizzie gave us their hugs and left to catch their flight. I looked over at Josie and saw some sadness in her facial expression. I took her hand in mine and she looked at me.

J: You think they'll be okay?

H: I'm sure they'll be just fine Jo.

J: What if they aren't?

H: They'll be fine, they're on their own private jet to get home. They'll be flying with a very good pilot.

J: Okay thank you.

H: You're welcome. Would you like to go to the beach or back to the AirBnb?

J: Let's go take a walk on the beach.

I nod and we got back in the car. We drove to the beach, which Josie took a nap on the way there. That should've been a sign because she never really sleeps in cars and I should've took her back to the AirBnb. The sunset was beautiful when we got to the beach. I smiled and woke Josie up by lightly tapping her and kissing her temple.

H: We're here love.

Jose smiled and yawned. We walked on the beach for hours. Josie talked about how she's been feeling stress free since she got to Bahamas. I was happy for her to be less stressed. That night we fell asleep and she cuddled up to me and didn't leave my side the entire night.

Josie's POV

These past few weeks have been amazing but I'd be lying to myself if I said that I didn't miss the school. Truth is I do miss the school, no matter how many monsters or Hope problems the school has, it's fun being there. But something tells me that when me and Hope get back to the school that there won't be pretty little sunsets on the school roof anymore. The school, the kids, they could all be in danger and that's something that I'm afraid to talk to Hope about.

Author's Note: This is all I've got for rn. I know I haven't been the most active writer but I've been busy with school. I also don't really use this app, sometimes I forget about it until I get notifications on it. I'll try my hardest to get another chapter out by Wednesday. Don't count on it though. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and talk soon

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