S7 Ch 6- Day 3 & 4

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Hope's POV

After swimming, we went into a restaurant. We got our seats, and allowed ourselves to talk. I could tell Josie was exhausted from today so once we get back to the Airbnb, she can take a shower and we can all get some rest. It was fun for a little while but swimming can take up so much energy.

After the waiter took our food, Josie got up and walked away from the table. I look at Lizzie and she shrugs.

Li: I'll go and check up on her, you guys talk or pretend to play instruments or something.

Mg: Okay babe.

Lizzie smiled and kissed Mg's cheek and followed Josie. I look at Mg and he smiles awkwardly.

Mg: Is everything okay with Jo?

H: I don't know, I would hope so.

Mg: I'm sure she's okay but she just seems off after swimming today.

H: Swimming probably wore her out.

He nods and looks around as if he was expecting to see someone walk up.

H: Are you okay?

Mg: Yeah, everything's okay. I'm just trying to watch out for Lizzie and Josie.

H: Why?

Mg: Because I think I should ask Lizzie to marry me soon.

H: How soon are we talking?

Mg: Like close to when we're going home.

H: Have you told Jo?

Mg: No, I wanted to surprise everyone.

H: I think Josie should know about this too.

Mg: I'll tell her tomorrow morning.

H: Do we have anything planned tomorrow?

Mg: No, tomorrow is a day to relax.

H: I like that.

Josie and Lizzie came back and Josie seemed happier. After a little while, the waiter came with our food. Mg ate pretty fast while Lizzie, Josie and I all took our time. The food was good, I felt a hand grab my hand under the table and I saw Josie smiling.

H: You doing okay?

J: Yeah, I think I was just hungry.

H: You didn't really eat today.

J: I know, but now I have food in my stomach so I'm okay.

H: That's good babe.

J: Yeah, anyways do we have anything planned for tomorrow?

Li: No tomorrow is just a relax day.

J: Nice, I could use some time to relax.

Li: Yeah.

Mg cleared his throat and everyone looked at him.

Mg: Me and Hope actually have something we have to do tomorrow.

I gave him a confused look and he looked at Lizzie's ring finger, I nod and went along with the plan.

H: Yeah we won't be back by the time you guys wake up.

J: How come?

Mg: It'll take awhile and you know everything has to be perfect.

H: Yep perfect, so we should all get some well deserved rest.

Li: Okay you guys are acting weird.

J: Let's just eat.

We all ate our food and then went back to the Airbnb after paying the bill. We got into the car and then drove straight back to the Airbnb. Everyone was quiet and the music was just loud enough for everyone to hear but it wasn't to the part where it would be super loud. Which was nice, I liked how the music was.

After getting back, Josie took a quick shower. Lizzie and Mg went to bed and I laid in bed, waiting for Josie to get out of the bathroom.

J: So Hope, what was that all about at dinner?

Josie said as she walked out of the bathroom, I looked up from the book I was reading and put it down on the nightstand. Josie sat on my lap and I placed my hands on her waist.

H: Mg wants to propose to Lizzie.

J: Really?

H: Yeah, he seems very sure about it.

J: Don't you think they're moving too fast?

H: Who knows, we were very complicated at the beginning of our relationship.

J: We weren't even a thing then.

H: We are now.

J: Because you finally decided to let me in.

H: I've always let you in, you've just never noticed it.

J: Really?

H: Yeah, you found out things about me that nobody else knew and then you started taking guesses on how I lived my life.

J: So you're basically telling me that I made you open up without you even knowing.

H: Yeah I guess so.

J: So complicated.

H: I know.

We both laughed a little and Josie pulled me in for a sweet and passionate kiss. After the kiss, Josie laid down next to me and we went to sleep.

The Next Day

Mg's POV

Hope and I woke up really early. I knew Lizzie's ring size so I was set. We went to a store downtown and Hope looked around while I talked to the receptionist.

Mg: Yeah that one looks good, right Hope?

H: Yeah sure.

Mg: If you want to get Josie one then go for it.

H: I can't do that, especially after everything we went through, it wouldn't make sense.

Mg: Everything makes sense when it comes to love.

H: Maybe when we graduate school then I'll do it.

Mg: Okay, so does it look good?

H: Yeah.

I got the ring and then we went back to the Airbnb. I snuck the ring into the Airbnb and Lizzie and Josie weren't even up yet. Hope went and cuddled with Josie and I laid in bed with Lizzie. I really hope she doesn't turn me down. I just need to figure out how to ask her.

Author's Note: I've been busy with school and family, I'm sorry everyone.

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