Shergills And Mahajans

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"C'mon dad!! Stop this now.. You only care about her!! "

"It's not like that are getting me wrong"

"No dad!! It is like that!! tell me the truth... am I actually your son or did you pick me up from the steps of the temple..... Huh!!???" He pushed whining.

"What nonsense Karan!! Enough now" The father Glares at him.

"No dad!! Just open it up, because I feel that I am not your son, But she is your daughter. " Karan expressed rolling his eyes.

"Absolutely no doubt! Huhh!! And you guessed it wrong, " Their head shot up to the voice as a girl entered. "Uncle did not bring you from the steps of the temple. In fact!! from the dustbin outside the temple. Right Uncle??" She said hugging Karan's father.

"Speak of the devil!! ." Karan said while throwing an annoying look at the girl.

"Enough Karan, you can't go around fighting with Monami all the time. you know that right, my grandfather had promised Virender's grandfather that...." Suraj started but Karan interrupted him.

"that Every future generation of Shergill's will protect his lineage, even if we have to give our lives to save them's. Right?? " He said completing his father's words.

"Absolutely right... and Shergills never goes back on their promise." Suraj said with a proud look.

"That thing is different dad, but always giving priority to this queen is not done!! for god's sake!! I'm your own son!!" Karan said Frustratedly.

"Cause I worth it. You jealous grumpy Shergill" Monami said between her giggles.

"Shut up" Karan hissed.

"Karan behave.. Why are you always fighting with Monami" Suraj glared at Karan.

"Not fair Suraj. Why do you always scold  Karan only, Even Monami is fighting, isn't she?" A man entered the scenario grabbing everyone's attention.

"No, I'm just... " Monami spoke up in defense but got Interrupted.

"Right uncle!! You are the only one who understand me and talk logic here." Karan said dramatically hugging the man.

"Here, this Grumpiness of yours, This proves that you are not uncle's son but actually dad's son"

" Are you saying that I'm grumpy. Hnnn!!! " Virendra asked raising his brow.

"N..not at all dad. Why would I call you grumpy. I won't dare to call you grumpy. No no, I didn't called you grumpy." She said being innocent.

"You already did for three times. " Virendra deadpanned at Monami.

"What?? " She played innocent.

"Called me grumpy. " He squinted his eyes at her faking anger then All chuckled at her antics except for Karan who rolls his eyes.

"Suraj!! I have to tell you something...come with me" Virendra said gesturing Suraj to come with him and They left right then.

"Ehem Ehem!! " Monami made a throat-​clearing sound to grab Karan's attention and he looked up at her.

" What?? " He asked a disinterested look.

" I was thinking that.... " She trailed off hoping him to ask the rest.

" That....?? " And he did asked her.

" The level of rudeness you are carrying, I doubt you would ever be able to impress any girl. Then you'll be having only one option, Me. So why dont you start behaving nicely with me already?? " She asked with a smirk.

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