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I WALKED up to Karan's room and knocked.

"Come in" He called out from inside.

Pushing the door open i walked in, he looked up from his phone.

"I was thinking to go to Shergill house. " I said.

" Then go." He answered turning his face down and started scrolling through his phone again.

I stood thier puzzled for a moment. Feeling me still standing there he again looked up at me and said.

"I never new about the way in my room that takes you to the Shergill house. " Sarcasm dripping from his voice.

" I thought you would want to come with me. " I said trying to keep a calm in my tone.

" I would, but not with you." He said standing up, not bothering to look at me he turned and started walking towards the bathroom.

And That...was it for me.

He just can't disregard me whenever he wants.

That's how he's been behaving since we came back from the shopping.

He didn't even spared me a look at cafe yesterday, I tried to initiate a conversation but he just behaved as if I'm invisible.

"What the hell is your problem??" I said holding on to his arm, tightly, and he stopped. " Why are you so difficult?? Everything was fine until yesterday. Now what has gotten into you suddenly?? " I asked gritting my teeth.

"Monami!! Let go of me. I'm not in the mood to talk. Specially with you. " He tried to walk again but I stood my grounds.

"No. You can't just walk away. I want answer. Right here right now." I said in a commanding tone but he just stood there unmoving. "Why don't you just tell me goddammit."I barked Irritated.

He jerked away my my hand and turned towards me fiercely.

" Because I thought this can work. " He said gesturing between us. "We two can work. But NO!! I was wrong. You proved me wrong. You spit the truth right on my face."

"What are you talking about?? "

"Don't you fucking act innocent." He pulled me harshly into him.

His sped up flaming breaths were burning my skin. Anger was all visible in his eyes. It was almost scary for me to face him like this. But I can't just always be the punching bag for his damned anger issues.

" Off course. So you are the victim here, again. Right?? " I pushed him away. "Just stop being a fucking cry baby. It's been years, but you're still the same. Blaming me, pushing me away."

"I pushed you??" He scoffed in disbelief. " I was trying to give it all a chance. Give 'Us' a chance. But forgive me if it's wrong to get mad seeing my fiance kissing someone else."

For s second or two I couldn't register those words in my head.

I stared dumbly at his face as if he just turned back to human from a werewolf.

"Doing what?? " I thought I misheard it but his silent accusing stare has said it all.

At this moment, the feeling that was dwelling inside me was beyond the anger.

Talk of the werewolf, if I were a werewolf, I would have tore him apart for this.

I took a whole minute, to calm my nerves, to think before speaking for the first ever fucking time in life and stared silently on the floor. He too stood in the silence. As if scared to break it, scared to ruin the remaining between us two with a single wrong word.

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