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I turned back and snuggled into my pillow as the sun peeked through curtains breaking my sleep. I wanted to go back into a deep slumber but a warm breath on my ears made me conscious about my surroundings. I opened my eyes with a jerk and looked around only to find a naked chest , which I was assuming as a pillow, in front of me with my arm around it.

My eyes got wider in the realisation and I went stiff. With hitched breaths gripped the duvet and peeked inside it only to make it even worse for me to find a breath.

I am naked!!


Thank the Lord, not completely. I was wearing the shirt Karan had on him last night.

Last night??


Events of last night started playing inside my head like a slideshow and I felt my cheeks getting hot. Suddenly I was feeling so hot around me and if it wasn't enough to make my heart pound like a crazy kangaroo, I felt a constant gaze on me. I turned sideways only to find Karan leaning on his one elbow with head placed on his palm and staring at me directly with a small smirk stretched on his lips.

When our gaze met, my eyes went wide as the picture of him kissing me like a madman appeared in my head making my vision blur.

"Shut up and kiss me"

My words rang in my hand and I couldn't find a pit to throw myself into, so instead, pulled the duvet over my head to save myself from this pleasing nightmare.

A chuckle rang in the room drowning me into self misery.

God, Why did I have to say all that shit??

" Your hiding will not change last night, dear wifey. " I heard him say near my ear and shut my eyes tightly, trying to unheard him.

A hand suddenly slipped under my shirt, causing the goosebumps to erupt on my skin and pulled me onto the very naked chest of my husband.

A small yelp escaped my lips as I came face to face with him.

"You weren't this shy some hours ago?." He raised a brow with a smug look.


Like, was it necessary to remind me that we finished only some hours ago? DANG!!!

"Shut up!! " I hit his chest lightly while whining like a child in his arms before snuggling into his neck.

Thank God he was wearing his trousers.

"God, I love this red on your face. " He said with a chuckle before suddenly changing our position and now hovering over me.

" Stop it. I need to take a shower. " I wiggled in his hold barely making eye contact with him.

" Stop?? I can clearly remember your opposite words Monami?? "

" Don't you dare stop !! " My own words throughout those panting, rang in my head and I was red again.

Fuck!! Did I say all that?? It can't be me.

I could clearly see that he had guessed what exactly was going on in my head as his smirk was back, and I so wanted to punch off his damn face.

"Well, now I don't hate those erotic books of yours. At Least you could use the information from them last night. " He flashed a boyish grin at me and I whined again at his teasing.

"Stop teasing me, will you?? Or I'm not talking to you" I cried.

" Okay Okay. Calm down." He chuckled before dropping himself beside me and pulled me into his arms.

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