Sweet Words, Sharp Slashes

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I disconnected the call with Param bhai, and went back inside the room where Karan was waiting for me.

" I'll go and tell Aparna Baisa that we'll have our dinner in the room. " Informing him, I turned to go out but stopped at his question.

" What are you planning?? " He asked in a low voice.

In answer, I just gave him a smirk and walked out towards the kitchen leaving him with squinted eyes. I met with Aparna Baisa in the living area only.

" Baisa!! Please send our dinner to our room." I said and looked behind her to the dining table where everyone was settling down for dinner.

"And also," I started a little loudly, making sure to get listened by everyone. " I want my room to be empty in an hour. I'm shifting back and I don't want a single thing that doesn't belong to me, in MY ROOM. " Every head snapped towards me at the speed of light.

I looked at Baisa who was as shocked as anyone else present there at my words. " I will sleep in my room, from tonight only." 

Saying that, I headed back towards my room ignoring all the shocked stares at my back.

After completing the dinner I asked Karan to gather all of his stuff.

" Are we leaving??" He asked excitedly. I turned back to face him and his excitement vanished in a second after seeing my annoyed face. "Oh, Okay. We aren't leaving. I get it "

"We are shifting back to my room. My old one." I said and he tilted his head in confusion.

"I'll answer everything once we are inside of that room." I said looking around inspactantly and he nodded.

I walked out of the room and stood near the railing of the staircase for a moment to check the temperature of the house down there. Especially Kiara.

There's no way she would leave the room just like that.

And as per my guess. Everyone was already gathered in the living area with tense faces.

"I am not going to leave my room." I saw Kiara saying this stubbornly to Sahas Uncle.

A smirk formed on my lips as I climbed down the stairs and neared them.

"Not your, mine room. That room belongs to Monami Mahaajan." I said without showing any hint of anger that was brimming inside me.

"The same Monami Mahaajan who left this house and disappeared for nine years." She said screeching.

Literally Screeching!!

" And who's back now. "  I said with the same calm tone.

" Dad!! Tell her that I'll not leave my room. This is my Dad's house. Unlike your coward father, my dad has been here for all these years and did everything for this house and grow this business. "

I barely controlled my hand before I slapped the shit out of her. " Uncle, I don't want to create any ruckus right now. It would be better if you handle her instead of me." I said through gritted teeth.

"Monami, you know she's been stubborn like this since always. Please at least you behave a little mature. We can talk about this tomorrow. Can't you wait until the morning. " Uncle tried to convince me in a gentle voice.

" I've waited for nine years. There's no more patience left in me. And, it's high time that Kiara starts to behave maturely now. "

Uncle pressed his lips in a thin line and didn't say anything further.

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