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Karan's pov


What Denial.??

Was he talking about marriage??

Then why did she left like that and why the hell is she ignoring me????

I was about to ask Sid... But Couldn't
As my phone started ringing and i too left from there not without wearing my shirt.

It's 04:45 am

And I was ready to leave in ten fifteen minutes. But my mind was stuck on the only thing.

Our Alliance!!

What is going to be happen?? Will she agree or not??

Leave her thoughts beside, I myself  doesn't know what am i doing or going to do.

But I knew one thing, we can never work.


If she's South then I'm east.. If she is right-

No,She couldn't be right.

If I'm right, Then she is left.

I was thinking all that when Param bhai stepped in my room. My brain went blank as I knew what he was going to say.bBhaiya gestures me to sit and he too sat besides me.

"So what's your decision chotte?? " He asked.

"A... About what bhai?? " I played innocent.

"Chhote!!!! " He glares at me.

I exhaled a deep breath to got some courage.

"Bhai, you anyways haven't gave me any option. So what's the even point of this question. I'll do whatever you say. " I answered.

A wide smile came on his face and his eyes twinkled.

It's because of me.

What else do you want Karan??

If my family is happy then I am happy.

" Thank you so much Chotte... You have no idea how happy I am right now. Thank you so much. "

He said while hugging me and I too reciprocated

"I'll soon convince Monami and then... " Bhai said pulling apart.


I smiled at his words but was doing a happy dance in my mind. *note the sarcasm*

And now it was time to leave as duty was calling. Param bhai took my luggage nd went out to the jeep.

Everyone was present im my room to bid me a good bye. But...

My eyes were searching someone particular. Who wasn't there. I felt a stinge of disappointment inside me.
I wasn't able to understand the reason of my restless to see her face.

Yeah!! Her face.

May be Because of her weird behavior since yesterday.

And the thing was I couldn't handle it.

"Chachu" Baby's voice broke my trance.

"Yes baby"She came and open her arms asking to take her in lap and I did the same.

"We have a surprise for you??"

"And What's that?? "

" Will it remain surprise if if tell you??"

We all giggled just then bhai came and asked bhabhi to come with him. Baby and Sid also went out and I turned towards my bed to put my watch just then I feel my heart started beating fast. And felt that I knew it was happening.

I turned back like Galloping across Europe to make my intuition to be true.

And Guess what??? It did.

Fortunately she was standing in front of me and I felt myself sighing in relief.


relief?? Fortunately???

What the hell is happening to me. I need to get rid of these thoughts before I do something stupid in front of her and make a fool of myself.

"Why the hell are you staring?? "

She asked pulling me back from my thoughts and I realised that I was staring at her, continuously.

I looked down abruptly and started fixing my watch. I was in full confusion and embarrassment that can't focus to tie up my watch and it slipped from my hand.But

She caught it before it could fall.

I looked at her and she stood up straightening herself. Taking my hand and she started tying the watch on my wrist. And I was looking at her in amusement.

When she was done, she stepped back and looked up just to caught me staring. Abruptly I whipped my head to another side in embarrassment and started looking here and there to avoid eye contact.

After some seconds of a weird silence. I finally spoke up To make the situation normal.

" You came for something?? " And I regretted immediately.

"Yes...I thought I'd give you company in peeling peas.." She said with an extra smile.

"Excuse me?? "This girl will definitely disturb my whole nervous system one day.

"Did you packed your head with your clothes in the suitcase?? "  She hits me with another sarcasm.

I pressed my lips in a thin line and glared at her but she royally ignored me.

" Obviously, You are leaving, So I just came to say a bye, cause I am not like you...!! " She said .

Like me??. 

"What do you mean by-"


Is she trying to remind me the day when she left for U.S.

Of course!! & I admit that was my mistake.

Just then bhai called me  and we both walked outside not without sharing another intense look.

I hugged everyone and bid a good bye and it was her turn. I didn't know what to do so I stood there blank in front of her creating an awkward situation. She looked at me before saying. "Bye... Take care!! "

In Answer I could only manage a nod but still didn't move my feet.. As if I don't want to and was looking at her continuously. But she coughed Intensionally to made me realise that I'm staring again.

Shrugged off the thoughts I tryied to be normal and headed out.

"Bye!! " I said to everyone once again hugged baby and climbed into the jeep then left,not without another glance.

I was driving, But couldn't focused on the road.



It was 1:00 pm and I was standing at Nashik bus stop with a bag on my shoulders.I was so tired after almost four hours of hectic travel.

Suddenly a voice came grabbing my attension.

"Monami mahaajan?? "


Heyyy guys!! Hope you all are doing fine.

So here's the next chapter. Happy reading.

And Don't forget to vote and to Show some love in comment box.

See you all in the next chapter. Till then keep smiling.

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