A Wrong Guess

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"What the fuck are you doing here?? "

"Well, hello to you too, Kiara. " I answered with a sneer as she stared at me.

"T-This can not be true. " She mumbled, trying make herself believe.

"What can't be true??"  I asked knitting my brows.

"You!! We thought you are dead. " She shouted and I froze at the revelation.

So that's what they has been believing all these years.

"Oh, how unfortunate. But I'm not. " I scoffed. "Now, would you mind getting out. " I said picking up my clothes from the bed.

"Wha- No!! This is my room. I won't leave it. " She screeched with wide eyes.

"What?? " I stared down at her in disbelief for a moment then broke into a laugh. " I'm just asking you to go out so I can change, not to leave this room forever. " I said making her shoulders slump in relaxation.

"Oh, I'll just.... " She trailed of running out of the room.


"Kiara?? " I heard Karan's voice outside.

"K-Karan?? You are here too?? " She took a pause before asking in a broken voice. " With her?? "

Oh man!! I can't wait to see her reaction when she'll know what we are to each other now.

A devilish smirk appeared on my lips as I put on my clothes.

"Yes, With her. " Karan answered.

By then I was done and opened the door stepping out, making them whip their head at me.

"Let's go, I'm hungry. " I said and without sparing another glance to Kiara, held Karan's hand, dragging him towards the dinning area. I could feel a burning stare at my back.

That's why I did this. Haha. P

"Are you okay?? " I looked back at him as he asked.

"Yes. Why?? "

"No, I think it's just so fast that we are here, with your family. So it might be a little tough for you to handle it all so suddenly. I guess." He expressed.

" I'm just trying to not get involved with any thing much as we are not here for forever. "

"Monami!! " He said, stopping abruptly in his tracks and looked back at him, confused.

" I know, it's your family, and you care for them. But I do not trust anyone here and I want you to also not trust anyone. Not even your uncle. " He said seriously.

"But Karan-

" Please Monami, just for once, don't question and promise me. You won't tell him anything about your American life and whatever the reason is behind our marriage. "

"That, even I don't know. " A humourless laugh escaped me.

"Then I guess it's good. Please, do not reveal anything. Not even that you are now working in the academy. "

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