Rings or Handcuffs

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Did you see that. That attitude as if she's tolerating me. Such a commendable acting. But she's quite enjoying all this drama.

I took a step ahead but suddenly out of nowhere a waiter bumps into me.

"Where the fu*k did you leave your eyes?? " I hissed at him gifting my deadly glare.

I was already fuming and he has to shown up now only.

Unable to apologize due to my six feet three inch ego, that Doesn't allow me to do so,i turned to find some peaceful and alone place. But my eyes fell on bhai standing with batra sir and already throwing me daggers. I took my cue to run back towards my lovable fiance.

Do we need to note the sarcasm?? I don't think so. It's fu*king obvious.

I sat on the opposite chair to her. And she shifted her gazes from her friends to me.

"Missed me?? " She asked with a light smirk on her lips. But i answered with silent eye roll only.

"No no no no no!!! " I looked at her confused as she started shouting. Loud only for me to hear.

" Let me atleast find a jar to collect them. " She said passing me a full ear to ear smile with all her teeth on display.

I stared at her disgustingly. Truly unable to find an suitable answer for her senseless words.

"Monuuuuuuuuuuuuu!! " We both shot our eyes in a same direction as a scream interrupted our staring session which i won cause she blinked to see the person who was trying to make us deaf by her screams.

Best friends!

"What the hell koel?? Why are you screaming like a bitch??" She hissed at her as she walked towards the table followed by sid and meehir.

"Why?? Are you afraid that she would break your record that you had just set a while ago. " I asked sarcastically.

"I didn't scream." She pouted.

Yes. Pouted. And i can't deny the fact that she looked..... Cute.

I cleared my throat trying to gather my distracted mind and replied.

" Yeah. And arijit has quit singing."

"Don't drag him here." She shouted snapping at me hitting her hands on the table with all her might which brings us stares of the crowd.

"Calm down. Calm down monu!! " Meehir sat besides her putting his arm on her........

SHOULDERS. Yeah. Shoulders.

"Everyone is looking at both of you guys" Koel said scratching her eyebrow and passing convincing smiles towards the stares around to cool down the matter.

"Karan!! Arijit is a sensitive topic for your fiance. " Meehir TOLD me with amused expressions.

"Ah! Thanks for telling me. I couldn't have found it myself" I said through greeted teeth and he looked at monami who was busy passing lovely startes at her fiance.

" Uhh hnn!! He knows meehir. That's why he bring it. " Sid nodded inquiry qbeing serious but i noticed that glint of mischief in his eyes.

"What's going on?? " We looked up to see faizy and sanju approaching us.

"Total nonsense!! Come join them. You wouldn't want to miss the show now, do you??" I gestured him to sit.

"Sure!! " He said totally ignoring my sarcasm and sat besides me. Sanju took the only seat leaft beside sid.

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