Oh My Poor Fate!!

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After breakfast, I decided to talk with Suraj uncle about that army campaign that I had read last night. I headed towards his room but saw Karan and Baby coming with badminton rackets.

"Hey doctor girl" She gave me a high five.

"Hi baby"


Is it sunday??

No it's Tuesday you dumb.

Then what is she doing at home??

"Is there any holiday baby?? " I asked.

"No! " She answered.

" Then why aren't you at school right now?? " I questioned.

" I'm changing the school." She Answered.

"But why?? "

"Now that, you have to ask Dad?? Forget that, Let's have a match. What say??" She offered excitedly.

" Sure, just give me five mi-

And before I could complete my words she dragged me outside.

"Okay, So doctor Girl and I will be in same team against Chachu" She exclaimed.

"You little beast , How quickly you changed the team. " Karan said while narrowing his eyes.

"Off course, she's smart enough to know where she'll get the victory. " I said while giving a high five to baby and we both giggles.

" Oh, overconfident aren't we?? " He said.

"Let's see. " I challenged knowing that I'm gonna loose so badly.

We started the game and baby cheered for me.


I lost the first match.

"Oh oh, You lost the very first match RaniSahiba. What happened to the confidence" He said while teasing me.

"The game is not over yet. " I answered.

We were about to start it again but Karan's phone started ringing. He raised his hand to stop and walked to us. Handing me the racket he left while talking on the phone and I thanked the hod for saving my remaining honor.

Then bhabhi called for Baby and she also went inside.

I sat on the bench near me and started scrolling my Instagram.

I just love these memes.

I was giggling all alone when my phone started ringing..

It was sid.

'But why is he calling me?? He could have just come over instead.' I thought to myself before swiping the green button.

" Where the hell are you Monu. I'm looking for you since morning " He started shouted before I could even say 'hello'.

"Liar. We met just an hour ago. " I rolled my eyes at his overdramatic-ness.

" Er, O-Okay. I may be or not happen to be a little dramatic. Now, are you coming  or not, I need your help. "

"Fine. I'm coming. " I said before Disconnecting the call and headed inside.

I was walking past Suraj uncle's room when I him saying the word 'marriage' and my steps halted.


Who's getting married??

Curiousity danced inside me forcing me to stop there and listen their conversation. Thankfully no one was there to catch me.

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