This Room Is Different

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I was still sitting on dining table when Bhabhi came out with baby and Just then Karan came.

"Shall we go baby?? " Karan asked baby while picking her bag.

"Yes chachu!! "

They both goes outside while i followed bhabhi to the kitchen. She started cleaning the mess there.

"Lemme help you bhabhi"

"It's okay,I'll do it Monami. It's first time you have come here, so go and see the house.!! "

"Ahh!! I guess you are right!! But I'll go after we clean all this!! "

" Areyy.. I'm telling you na... I'll do it you just go!! " She said and pushed me outside the kitchen.

I looked around to choose the direction Where should I go first.

And suddenly my attention caught by a painting hung on the wall in the entrance of right corridor.

It was a beautiful painting of A lady with five kids.

I walked towards it to observe closely.

Lady was sitting on a chair. There were three girl child and two boys. One boy and girl was sitting on a mat and one girl was standing with food in her little hands forwarding it two the remaining two children. Seems like three of them were that lady's children and other two, a boy and a girl came there to ask them food.

As I was admiring the painting my eyes fell on a door. I walked towards it and holds the door knob to open it when a shout that could make anyone deaf in a second..landed in my ears.

"Heyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! "

I jumped back from my place almost falling on the ground but fortunately holds the same knob and balanced myself.

After gathering myself I looked behind to find six feet two inch dragon spitting fire.

As he walked towards me with his jaws Clenching tight I gulped my saliva and stood straight.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"A... I just... A... Bhabhi told me to see the house so... I... "

"Go and find your beautiful view anywhere else... Don't hover around my room!! Shoo away!! "

Stupid goblin!

"Yeah!! If i would have knew it's the den of the devil straight from hell... I wouldn't have even looked in this direction"


He stepped towards me aggressively but I ran from there towards another side.

After touring the whole house while tripping and hurting my knees seven times I stopped in front of another room which seems different from all the other rooms in house.

I tried to open it but it was locked. The rooms before this I visited, were open and not so clean cause they were not in use For now.

But why this one is locked and looking around the room it's obvious that it's also clean from inside.

As I was guessing the possibilities for this room's being i was called by bhai and left from there still in confusion.

"Monu!! You know na..the day is coming!! "

"Yes bhai!!! " Tears clouded my view as the memories of my childhood cane crashing in my brain.

"Monu!! " My eyes couldn't tolerate the weight of those heavy tears and they started flowing down my cheeks. Bhai took me into his embrace and started caressing my hairs.

"I know it's hard for you..but you can't be weak ... Right!! "

"Why this happened to me bhai!!  What was my fault??" I said in between my sobbings.

"Nothing princess!! It was written in destiny... And we can't control it right!! Now stop behaving like a mawkish. My princess is strong!! "

"Hm!! "

"Okay listen!! Pandit ji called me and he wanted you to perform the ritual this year.,. When you weren't here.. I and dad used to do it but now you are here so it's on you.!! "

"Okay!! Where will we perform it?? "

Bhai took a pause and I got the answer.

"It's okay bhai!! Nothing is gonna happen to me!! You would be with me right!! So just chill!! "

"Yeah!! Now get up and wipe these tears...Karan would be coming any time and I don't want to see him making fun of you!! "

I smiled and goes towards washroom to wash my face.


It's already 7:30 and baby was back from her tution and we played a lot of games, After having dinner we were ready to leave but....

"Please stay for tonight atleast.!! " Baby pleaded with puppy eyes shaking my both hands.

"Baby !! They are getting late. Let them go. They'll come back some other time... Okay!! " Bhabhi tried to convince her.

" No no no!!!! " She snatched the keys of jeep from Karan and started running.

"Areyyy!! "

"Baby!! Stop being so stubborn.If you don't let them go,they'll be punished."

I and Karan ran behind her .

She stopped in front of that SAME ROOM. I looked at baby once then at door of that room as I stepped forward,Karan beats me and took the key from baby.

"Let's go!! " He took baby in his arms then holds my wrist and dragged towards the main door.

It was weird but I ignored the question rising in my head and followed him.

"Okay baby!! Will meet next Sunday!! " I said and hugged baby.

"And who told you that I would bring you with me next Sunday too ??" Karan said while arching his brow!!

" I!! Any problem?? " Baby tried to said in warning tone.

"N.. Nothing mam!! " I giggled at his sudden change of tone and he passed me a glare.

"Now can we leave your Highness?? "

"Sure!! " I smirks and he rolled his eyes.

To Be Continue........


**rolling on the bed lazily**


Completed one more chapter guys!! .

Sorry for any typos... I didn't re read it.

Hope you'll love it.

Don't forget to share your views in comment section.

And do voting.

Will meet you in the next one!!

Till then keep smiling.

Now good night..Karan is waiting for Me in dreams. **winking**


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