Loving Fiance

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Someone please pull me out of this fu*king dream.

Placing a hand on my waist he gave me a tug and pulled me closer. It felt like a tug on my heart.

Next he entwined his other hand in mine's.

What has gotten into him??

For a whole minute I stared at him, shocked. Then Recovering from the shock, I put my free hand on his shoulder.

We continue to stare at each then realised that we are in spotlight, I finally started swaying with the music. Then realised that he wasn't even moving. Looking down, i saw that he was just standing, comfortably.

What the....

"If you didn't wanted to dance, why did you dragged me here?? " I asked frustrated.

"Because we have an audience to entertain, a show to put on. " He said eyeing behind me with clenched jaws.

Off course!! A show.

"It couldn't be convincing much if you'll stand here like a frozen statue. Get a use of those bloody legs. " I hissed quietly.

He stared back at me silently, conveying something without having to speak it loud.

I squinted my eyes at him.

"Don't tell me you don't know how to dance. " My brows went high in disbelief.

He didn't answer. And a humourless chuckle escaped my lips.

"Bloody living rock!! " I muttered under my breath.

We danced, I mean I danced and he stood there holding me, in silence for a moment until something clicked on my mind.

We didn't talked after announcement of our engagement.

Well, it would be nice to say, that we didn't had a civil conversation.

"Karan!!" I called out and he pulled his eyes back on me, staring right back in my eyes.

I would forget if you continue to look at me like that.

Clearing my throat and shifting my gaze from those deep eyes to his shoulders, i started " I Er.... We didn't got a chance to talk about all this after the party night."

I felt his body Stiffened under my palm.

"Look. Karan!! I know what you think about me. I-

" You do ?? " He arched his brow.

" I don't know. But J know that much that you would give away anything to kick me out of your life. And this situation is definitely fueling that hatred. I don't care what you think about me. But if you want to back out, why don't you?? "

"Only if I had an option." He said shifting his eyes behind me.

" You d-

The Song finished before I could say anything further. He stepped back and without even glancing at me, walked away.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips and I also walked towards a table to sit but two ladies blocked my way.

"Hey Monami beta!! " One of them chirped.

"Hii mrs. Shukla. " Bhai introduced them a while ago and told me she's a wife of one of his seniors.

The guest are not much, to say. Only Academy people and some seniors, colleagues of Karan, Param Bhai and Uncle.

Bhai didn't told me reason but he said we can't invite anyone from Jaipur, that's why they also didn't invite any relative of their.

Mrs. Shukla introduced me to the lady with her and then gave me some tips for being a perfect Wife and when it didn't seemed to be satisfying her enough....

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