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After freshening up monu walks to the dinning table, everyone was already waiting for her.

"Wow. Biryani!! My favorite. Thanks bhabhi. But how did you?? I never talked about it. " Monami said taking a seat besides Sid.

"Papa asked me to make it, saying it's your favorite too. " Barkha answered with a smile.

"Too?? As in?? Who else's favorite it is?? "

"Karan uncle's " Baby answered.

"Not fair bro. How can you forget the favorite dish of your 'Khadoos Shergill', in just eight years. Very bad monu. Very bad." Sid whispered in a teasing tone clicking his tongue.

"Shut up Sid. And he's not 'mine' please. " Monami hissed.

" Stop with these mumblings and eat your dinner. " Suraj said pinning them with a Pointed look. 

Both noded and starts eating.

"Er.. Monu, the room you are staying in, it's Karan's room. " Barkha told. 

Monu and sid who were about to eat their morsel stops in mid way And looked at each other, monami in embarrassing shock and Sid in tease.

"Wow Monu, you are so quick. Atleast you should have waited until marriage. " He teased raising his brow and monami slapped his elbow, glaring him.

" Ouch!! "  Sid winced grabbing everyone's attention.

"What happened?? " Barkha asked looking up from her plate.

"Er... Um, Mouse, yeah there was a very cunning mouse under the table. A big one. " Sid answered eyeing Monami

Baby who was silently listening Sid and Monami's  conversation, laughed loudly.

"Now what happened to you?? Why are you laughing?? " Barkha questioned squinting her eyes at baby.

" I-I also saw the mouse. It was cute" She answered looking at Sid and then both laughed giving each other a high five. While Monu looked down in embarrassment.

" Stop being Childish and eat properly. " Suraj scolded the trio and they looked down eating silently.

" Yeah, so I was saying that the room you are staying in is Karan's room. There's a little electrical problem in your room. It'll be managed by tomorrow. Can you adjust for a day?? " Barkha explained looking with sorry eyes at Monami.

" it's okay bhabhi!!! " Monami answered as Sid tried to stifle his laughs beside her.

"Off course bhabhi. She'll manage, happily. Right monu? " He asked eying her with a mischievous look while Monu glares at him.


Everyone was sleeping except monu she is in her deep thoughts.... Suddenly a phone call broke her chain of thoughts and she picks up the call.

"hello.... Helloooo.!! Am I audible??" Taking it as a network problem ahe walked out of the room heading to terrace.


A person opens the main door with keys and sneaks into the house with luggage. He took baby steps and went straight towards monami/karan's room. He enters into the room and shut the door without locking it. Placing his suitcase in a corner, he switched on the lights then walks inside the bathroom. After almost ten- fifteen minutes he came back and switching off the lights layes down on the bed and covered himself with duvet. In just minutes he fell asleep.

After half an hour monami comes back from terrace and avoiding to disturb anyone's sleep she silently enters into the room and shuts the door without locking it. She also layes down on the bed.

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