The Mission

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I was just waiting for her to use her head and come back, or to scream for help to get save from the dogs when she actually screamed.

I smirked.

Well, that was too soon.

I stood there waiting for her to run back but she screamed again. "Karan!! "

And Suddenly I remembered bhai's words from the morning.
"Be more careful. "

"Fuck!! " I cursed before running towards the way she did and loaded my gun on the way.

Suddenly I realised that she didn't screamed after that.

Please don't get caught Monami.

I wished while taking the first turn that came and saw three men dragging her towards a van with one's hand around her neck and covering her mouth.

Fucking hell!!

They stopped and suddenly turned back. May be heard my footsteps.

"Take another step and I'll kill her. " One of them spoke and I realised that they were the same men from some nights ago.

I stopped at a some distance breathing heavily and take an inspecting look at them.

They didn't had the gun. Lucky.

Suddenly the one holding Monami pulled the dagger out and positioned it near her neck and she stiffened.

Talk about the luck??

" Throw the gun away. " One of them demanded.

I slowly started bending down pretending to put the gun down while meeting eyes with Monami giving her a pointed look. Thankfully she understood and elbowed the men in ribs, creating a little distance from them,  and taking the chance of their distraction as they tried to get their hands back on her I shot the giant man who was holding her before.

The man winced while I and Monami ran towards each other and the other two men followed.

One of them had already caught up with her and was trying to get her itno the hold but she had already passed the distance between us and I pulled her behind me punching the man right on his jaws.

But the other man took the chance and punched my face making me glare at him as I held his throat throwing punches on his face. The first man was recovered by now and tried to catch Monami but she kicked her in the gut and jumped back instantly as he attacked back after wincing.

By the time I was done with the man and  caught the one attacking Monami, by the coller and dragged him back before knocking him down. I stood up wiping the blood that was oozing from my lip.

"Run back you mother fuckers. " The Man that I shot shouted at the other two and they obeyed him running back. I tried to catch one of them but got distracted as Monami winced.

I quickly reach her and grabbed her arm which was having a small cut, probably got when she freed herself from the dagger man.

"Let's go. " I said taking her hand and dragging her back to the academy and she quietly followed.

As soon as we entered the academy and I headed towards the entrance of building she stopped.

"I just want to go home please. " She requested in a tired voice.

"But we need to get the wound treated. " I insisted.

" I'll do it at home. But I don't have the energy to handle the enquiry I'll be facing inside. I'm tired. Please take me home. " She said as tears threatened to escape her eyes but she struggled to control them, unsuccessfully, as the one traitor rolled down on her cheek.

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