Can I Just Die??

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I Suddenly felt the urge to punch something. If only I could've just smash that beautiful vase placed on lawyer's table.

I don't know what's this feeling surging inside me. It has to be because suddenly I'm married, for fuck's sake, definitely not because I'm not married to him.

Off course!!

Yeah. That's right. Nothing is about him here.

'Arghhh!! Shut up monu. What's done is done.'

I tell myself. And as a reminder I made myself think that I'm married to Meehir.

And why would you need to do that??

Just Fuck Off.

The second thing I don't want here in this fucked up situation, my conscience sticking out it's tonge at me.

Do I need to mention the first?? I don't think so.

Sighing heavily I try pushing all the thoughts related to that particular not-so-human-being.

But when did my life has gone according to me??

I got up from my seat and my phone that was placed in my lap fell down. I bent down to pick it up When suddenly a voice of approaching footsteps came. Before I could turn to look back the person was in front of me in two long strides.

I'll give you three guesses. Who could it be??


I stood up straightening myself and felt the urge to punch his stupid face and to scream with all my might that 'you are fucking late. Now go n fuck yourself"


I was turning into Koel coz of this man. But he definitely deserves this.

I felt so pissed that didn't even looked up at his face.

Before I could think next and any of us could ask him any fukin thing he snatched the papers from Meehir's hands and thrust them into the shredder that was placed on the table.

Everyone's jaws fell on the floor for the third fucking time of the day.

"Wh-H-Did you just...." I stuttered unable to form a word and kept staring at the shredding machine.

He ditched me on the wedding day and now has the audacity to do this.

For Fuck's Sake!!!

I turned to give him some piece of mind but stopped as I noticed a big ass bandage on his forehead.

I desperately walked up to him, closer and my hands went up automatically reaching his face but stopped some inches away as bhai spoke up. "What the hell is this?? "

Bhai came forward and I took some steps back. Every one of us forgot about the papers.

My eyes didn't leaving his' and for a shock neither his leaving mine.I haven't looked in those deep pooles since a long time. His intense gaze was piercing my heart.

After a long moment that didn't felt enough for me he broke the eyelock and averted his gaze.

"It's just a lil scratch bhai. Don't worry, I'm perfectly fine" I felt him stressing the last words and gave a quick stink eye towards Meehir.

I saw Meehir shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

"But how did it happened?? " Bhabhi came forward
, concerned and try checking his Not-so-lil-scratch.

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