Hungry, OF FOOD??

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He stopped in front of me and I looked up at him. He was standing with his arms crossed on his chest and a hint of mischief in his eyes.

I was unable to understand his any intention. And When suddenly he spoke up, I was caught off gaurd.

"Hey darling. I'm back. " He said with a devilish smirk on his lips.

My eyes went wide at his words and cheeks started burning in embarrassment.

The bitch kept it remembered!!

Screw you Karan Shergill !!

I opened my mouth to say something back or explain but couldn't manage a word then closed it again. Then two times more i did the same but nothing came out except for air.

After some more seconds of sinking in embarrassment which felt like hours. I finally remembered an escape.

"I- I, my chocolate. I left it at the door. " Gasping dramatically as if I just lost a deal of thousands million dollars, which actually was, as my chocolate is more precious then thousands million dollars for me, I just ran towards the main door. And I think I heard a little chuckle when I ran. Not sure though. He doesn't have this feature in his system.

Getting out of the house I closed the door behind me and leaned with my back on it breathing heavily.

In this moment all that I want is mighty lord of thunder to come down and take me with him to Asgard Or just destroy this planet with his Stormbreaker.

I can't face this embarrassment anymore. Goddddd!!!

I looked around for my chocolate which I thrown at Karan's face. And seeing it's destroyed condition, I was almost at the verge of crying. I lost my one whole freaking chocolate because of that bitch.

Another reason to hate him!!

You'll have to pay for this Karan Shergill. I'll hunt you down with my revenge and bring justice to my murdered chocolate.

Giving a last look of sympathy to it and mumbling 'Rest In peace My dear Chocolate' I pulled open the door and walked inside the house.

Entering inside my room I closed the door then turned back and...

"Woa AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I screamed horrifically turning back towards the door as My dear husband was standing inside in just a towel around his weast and damp hairs.

Seems like he just came out of the shower.

" What are you doing here?? " He asked annoying.

"Do I have to remind you that it's my room too?? "

"Still, there's a thing called 'knocking'. "

" Look who's talking about it!! " I turned back to gave him a squinted look. But he  glared at me instead and walked up to me.

Reaching near, he stopped at a very not-so-decent distance and raised a brow.

"W-What?? " I asked.

"With whom's permission did you wear my Tshirt?? "

I looked down at the Tshirt then again at him.

" With your dear wife's permission I wore your Tshirt" I passed him an overly sweet smile pressuring the last words.

" So you want to play wify wify, um hm?? " He said and raised a brow.

Suddenly he started taking steps to close the remaining distance between us and I started backing up. Panick dwelling inside me.

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