Not My Girlfriend

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I angrily stepped out from dispensary and started walking towards my room but met with Param Bhai.

"Monu!! "

"Yes bhai?? "

"Why didn't you came for dinner"

Because of jealousy!!

Keep quite.

"Er, I-I wasn't hungry Bhai!! "

"Oh please, you even get hungry in the middle of the night after dinner."He said and without listening to me, dragged me towards my room. We entered inside my room and....

I just love bhai!!

Food was already there.

"Thanks bhai!! ' i smiled and hugged him.

He made me sit on the bed and also sat besides me. Then feed me with his own hands. Though he's brother, But sometimes behaves like a mother. All the anger gets replaced with love and care which bhai always gave me.

"Karan does not bother you, does he??? "

"Nope!! " I answered smilingly.

"Tell me the truth?? "

"I'm telling the truth bhai, In fact he takes so much care of me. " I said while forwarding the spoon towards him and made him eat.

"Great, now I can go without worry!! "

"Go?? "

"I-I mean, home. I can go home without worry."

"Ohkey!! " I smiled

"Alright. Now take some rest!! " He said beginning walking out of the room.

I set the alarm for around 1:00 am.

I know, I myself will got up at this time but still can't take the risk to miss noodles by devil.

Before my alarm would disturb me my sleep gets broke by itself.

I picked my phone up with a smirk on my lips and called him.

Tring Tring.


"Now what do you want?? "

Nope. I didn't expected anything sweet.

" I'm hungry!! "

"Yesterday, you didn't had your dinner but I know Param Bhai had already made you eat. "

"But I'm still hungry. Come fast. " I said in  swagger.

"Nope. See, You know the way to mess. After yesterday you also know the whereabout of every ingredient."

"How many times would I have to tell you that I can't cook" I said frustrated.

"I don't know, Good night!! "

"Okay then if you are not coming... I'll come... Bye!!"

Before he could answer I disconnected the call and walked up to open the door.



Agent Shergill in your service mam!!

I smiled widely and he rolled his eyes as always.

He gestures his hand me to walk ahead.

Like a gentleman.

Just like yesterday he made noodles and I started eating.

"What had happened to you in the morning?? "

He asked and I remembered all the happenings of the day. Suddenly I started coughing Continously.

"Heyy!! " He took the glass of water and made me drink.

"You okay?? "

I noded and he petted by back.

Suddenly he got a call and walked outside.

Karan's pov.

I came back to the mess almost after twenty minutes. I thought she would have gone and sleep.


RANISAHIBA was sleeping carelessly on the the same table where I left her.

This girl I tell you.

"Monami!! " I called her name two three times but she was in deep slumber.

So I preferred to not to awake the tsunami and picked her into my arms carefully then headed towards her room.

She was sleeping peacefully, without Any stress.

Somewhere in my heart I wanted to make this situation sure For her to the infinity.

My lips curved into an unknown smile and my heart felt a warmth when her hand unknowingly held my T-shirt.


Ignoring the stupid sensation inside me I entered inside her room and made her lay down on her bed.

I was about back off but realised that she was still holding my shirt. I looked at her innocent face which would automatically turns into a mischievous devil after she's awoke. Some here strands were falling on her face which were disturbing her sleep. I softly removed them aside and again tries to got up but falls upon her. This broke her sleep.


Seeing me on the top of her she got scared and was about to shout but before she could, I covered her mouth with my palm.

"Keep quiet, keep quite!!! I just fell by mistake."


"What?? " I asked confusingly.

She signalled towards my hand through her eyes.

"Ohh!! " I removed my hand.

"Now will you get up!! "

"Er, yeahh!! "

I got up and stand straight.

"How did I came here!! "

"The might lord of thunder himself came down from Asgard and picked you up in his arms then delivered here . " I said sarcastically.

"Very funny!! "

I rolled my eyes and turned to leave but something hits my head and i again Turned to her.

"You didn't answer my questions!! "

"Which question?? " She asked confusingly.

"Why were you behaving weird in the morning?? "

She looked at me For a moment then asked. " Dr. Verma is your girlfriend?? "

"What?? " I snapped my eyes towards her.

"It's okay if you don't wanna share with me. Good night. "

"Are you..... " I exhaled a deep breath. "Who told you this?? "

"No one!! She just told me to stay away from you"

"She what?? " How dare she.

"It's okay I won't tell anyone!! "

"Are you mad!!.... She's not my girlfriend... She just have a stupid crush on me but I DON'T LIKE HER. "

she looked at me amused.

"What?? Just sleep now, Good night!! " I Said and switched off the light of her room then headed to my room.



Here you go!!

Shower your love as always.


Catch you in the next chapter.

Till then keep loving me the same way.


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