Sweet Disaster

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Did I just kissed an electric wire??

Dear God!!

A moment ago I was thinking that I'm going to ruin my first kiss. But as soon as my lips connected with Meehir, A sweet electric shock traveled down from my lips directly to my spine. His hands automatically reached at my bare back, unknowingly, slipped inside the jacket, his touch caused goosebumps to raise on my body.

For a long minute I was unable to think, unable to move, I just stood there, so close to him, our lips connected, But a foreigner feeling didn't left me even for a moment that was trying to wake me up from some deadly dream.

Suddenly lights jerks on.




"What. The. Fuck??? "

I pulled back instantly as Koel cursed loudly.

I turned back to look at her, but she wasn't the only one watching the stunt I just pulled here, whole audience was watching the telecast of my embarrassment.

Next to Koel was standing Sid, with a snarky smirk, which I, off course, Ignored. Next to him were ,bhabhi, holding on to bhai's arm, for support,her face was giving away the shock she was feeling. She was ready to fall unconscious, and bhai was standing there with a puzzeled expression, his brows were pulled up. And next to him was Meehir with equally shocked expression.

Wait, what??

My knees weakened at the sight of him. I felt my hammering heart in my ribcage, thumped.

I snapped my head back at the person behind me, and in that moment, all I just wanted was, earth to open up and swallow me.

The amount of embarrassment, I was feeling, was unlimited.

I kissed Karan.


He stood there silently, with a blank face. And for me, I would be damned if I uttered a single fucking word. My action screamed more then enough.

"And then you say you don't love him. " Bhai spoke up.

I whipped my head at his direction, his smile made my cheeks even redder.

Blush or embarrassment?? I couldn't figure out.

I opened my mouth to say something, but couldn't not produce a single word and closed it again. Two more times,I repeated this.

And if it wasn't enough to fill the sea of embarrassment for me get drown,

"We understand You guys are engaged now, but we have a kid in house so..... Get a bloody room hornies" Bhabhi slapped Sid's arm as he said those words.

That was my cue to do the only thing I could do, run. So, I ran. Directly towards my room and locked the door behind, then slumped in the bed upside down.

Pushing my face in the pillow, i screamed.

What the fuck did I just do??

My cheeks were on fire, my heart was on a big chase of don't know what, my breathes were competing against my heartbeat. My whole body was numb.

After calming myself a little, I got up, my hands traced my lips.

Am I dreaming about this??

I kissed Karan, I kissed Khadoos Shergill.

"Aghhhhhhhh!! And damn me, I liked this sweet disaster. "

Oh god.

What am I supposed to do now,how will I face him.

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