Unlike Of Him

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The jeep took a hault in front of academy gate and we all get off it.

Bhai wanted us to stay at home until marriage. Not exactly, he said that we can go there in day and in the evening we would come back home.

But Karan being Karan, denied it just like that. So now we are here.

As soon as we entered in the mess, a tiny but loud-enough-to-give-you-a-mini-heart-attack-blast happened.

My hands went up to my chest for helping my heart to keep it to its place.

"Surpriseeeeeeee" Everyone shouted together. I looked up as the confetti rained on me, filling my hair and clothes.

I gasped in shock, looking around at my cadet-mates together with wide excited smiles.

"You would have got me killed right here. " I sighed heavily , trying to Stable my breathing.

"Congratulations Monami and Karan Sir" They all wished, together and made a way to walk us towards the...... Cake.

A wide grin appeared on my face looking at their sweet gesture. I turned to face Karan, who ,as usual, seems to be unfazed by everything.

Now we can't expect any 'awes' and 'wows' from this khadoos bastard. Can we??

Instead, I thought he would shout at them for wasting time in all this 'crap'. But he surprised me by not reacting.

Giving a little nod he exited from there.

And I was just standing there, dumbstruck, even everyone there was as shocked as me.

"I thought Karan would kill us for wasting time in this. "Bala sighed in relief.

This is so unlike of Karan. If he didn't appreciated their efforts, like I expected, then he also didn't disregarded it at all, what his usual being was supposed to do.

"Yeah. I was expecting hundred laps for #punishment' " Chitra mimicked him.

" It's the effect of Monami's love. " Sumanji said looking at me sweetly.

And suddenly I felt my cheeks burning.

"Please" I tried to be unfazed but the words came out shyly. And I hated it so bloody much.


I freshened up and came out of the bathroom, after, afternoon's training session. I stood in front of the mirror and tapped the towel on my face.

Just a night before i was thinking how would I face him. But here we are, together, since the morning and for my surprise he seems to be forgot the disaster I created last night. Actually not only once but twice.

I shook my head fiercely to forget about those unholy things I'd done. Not forgetting to mention the unholy thoughts about those situations that I've been having.

But the thing that is bothering me is,

Surprise Surprise!!

It's Karan, as usual.

He's just behaving as If nothing that Is worth of talking has happened. And it's irking me.

Not that I'm dying to about the K thing. But he was supposed to confront me, I guess.

And here he's being normal, way too much normal that's totally not normal for him.

Now what the hell am I supposed to do about this mind wobbling situation??

So you want to talk about the Kiss?? Let's talk about the kiss.

Here we go.

My conscience appeared out of nowhere.

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