Chapter 3

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Your brows twitched when you saw your little sister again bringing him home, "And what do you think you are doing here, Mikey? And you missy...". You frowned at Ruri that flinched and hid behind Mikey, "I-it because Mikey-nii said, nee-chan kuukie awe tasty..". "Yeah.. It was really good..", Hearing that you somehow blushed as you end up forgetting that you are trying to be strict with them, "I-is that so..". You smiled shyly. Seeing how you went soft and shy, Ruri came out from her hide as she chirped, "That's why Ruri wants show Mikey-nii the rest of kuukie!!! Mikey-nii, lesssggoo!!". You saw how quick they took off their boots and how Mikey made his way like he owned the place. "W-what-H-hold on!", you grab his sleeve the time he passed by you. Stopped at his track, he looked at you slightly annoyed, "What?". "I-i didn't said you can come in!", you tried your best to talk back to him, although your hands trembled a little from how scared an nervous you are. Just when you were about to say another words, again you heard his stomach growl softly. Your consciences wavered as you let go of his sleeve, "Only snacks.. Then you will leave...". Nodding his head, you saw how your sister led him to the bathroom to wash hands and all. You wonder why would a grown up like him ending up hanging out with a 4 and half year old toddler.

You then saw them make their way to sit at the sofa as you brought a tray of cookies and muffins. You could see his face brighten and how your sister chirped in happiness. "Do you want milk too, Mikey?", saw him nodded, you pour some into his cup. Never you thought you would witness a gang member eating cookies and drinking milk in broad daylight at your house. Yet looking at how he gets along with your sister, you start to feel he isn't that all bad, 'Maybe.. Not all gang are bad... '. "And then and then-", while Ruri was excitedly telling him about the bugs she catch at school, his phone ringing. "Give me a minute, Ruri", he patted her head as he answered the call, "what?". You shivered a little when heard his cold tones answering the phone and how fast his demeanor changed, yet you wonder how come your little sister could calmly sit on his lap munching a cookie without a care in the world.

"Ruri.. Come here..", you called her in a whispering voice as she then slid down from his lap and trotted a little to you. Lift her up and let her sit on your lap, you wrapped your arms in a protective way when saw his expression turned colder. "No. I will go there. Just pick me up at the park..", ending his call, he noticed the nervous expression on your face as he just got up, "Thanks for the foods..". "U-um you are welcome-", "Mikey-nii leaving?", Ruri 's smile dropped as she looked up at him with sad looks. Walking closer to the both of you, he crouched down to her level. It surprised you how quick his expression changed and looked softer, "Sorry, kid. Let's play some other times...". Saw him petting her head to cheer her up, he then glanced at you, made you flinch a little in surprise before you saw him back looked at your little sister. You have to admit, despite how scary he is, he is good looking and that clearly made your heart skipped a beat. "Pinky pwomise?", Ruri mumbled as she offered him that small pinky finger for him to take. "Yeah..", you saw how they linked their fingers together as that sure warmed your heart a little. Saw him getting up, you put your sister down, "Mikey, wait.. Just.. Give me a minutes...". You hurriedly went to the kitchen. It only took you a few minutes as you came back with small bundles of plastic, "You haven't eaten your muffin.. So.. just.. In case you are still hungry". Handing it to him, you saw his cold expression softened a little when he took a small package of sweets from you, "thanks..". Just like yesterday, you and your sister watched him leaving. Yet somehow you could feel an unsettling feeling deep inside you when watching him walking away without even bothering looking back.

-Mikey's POV-

"Boss..", hearing Koko's voice, he could see a thin files in his hand. Sat on the couch at their base, Koko handed him the files. [Third Child: Naniwa..Ruri..], his eyes scanning the files as he saw her picture, then he saw picture of her, [Second Child: Naniwa Y/n.]. His eyes trailed down, [Mother: Naniwa Mitsuna (deceased). Father: Naniwa Tadayuki. First Child: Kamo Tadayuki (deceased)]. "The family names..are different...", he put the files down. There is really nothing much there, except their basic information but the differences family name sure caught his attention. "That is because their parents were eloping. The son was taken away into the mother's family and passed away three months ago together with the mother on their way to a shrine.. It was reported as an accident. If I may know, why are you looking into this family?", Koko saw how Sanzu grabbed the files, "Should I take care of them, boss?". "No... It just.. there is something I'm curious about.. Aside from that, any information on that Roppongi gang?", could be seen how he seems not satisfied with the information he got about her. He didn't know why he was that curious about those two. Sat there while munching the muffin he got from her, he fell silent a bit. Deep inside him he felt the familiar feelings that seems he has long forgotten. 

"Key.. Mikey!", finally back to his senses when sanzu grabbed his shoulder, he finally looked up at them as he set down the half eaten muffin "..Then let's take care of them in three days..". While everyone took their leave, he saw Wakasa and Sanzu still staying. "Mikey.. About the people in those files.. What are you planning to do with them?", he asked him as he then glanced at him. "It's none of your business", he back grab the half eaten muffin as he could hear wakasa seems hesitate a little, "What is it?". "I know them.. Not much but, Ruri went to a kindergarten that my wife worked at.. Not sure about the sister, but I heard she used to have a connection with one of South's men. Is that why you are digging about her?". Hearing that, he froze for a couple of seconds, "is that so.. What else you know?". "That's all but if you want, I could ask my wife about them. Although, I couldn't promise it will be the information you are looking for", He glance at him as he licked his thumb when he finished that muffin, "Ask Koko help.. Get anything you can about her. If there is nothing more, leave...". Hearing that wakasa took his leave. "Should I handle it for you, boss?", Sanzu looked at Mikey as he scanning through those files, "No. I will handle this myself.. But Sanzu, try find out about that guy. The one who get connections with her..". "Understood. I will notify you once I found the guy", nodded his head, he left Mikey all alone there. He sighed as he rest his back. Somehow for an unknown reason, his moods back turned sour and slowly back getting numb, 'I wish you are here, kenchin.. Everything is so suffocating..'.

He himself don't understand why he keep coming back to that park. Every single days, he would go and Ruri will in the end invite him for a meal or just simply some snacks. There are only few days he didn't go to play with the child, when a fight broke and he have really to go. Otherwise, he would be at the park hanging out with her. "Mikey-nii-chan, so cooooolll!!!!!", he could see the amazement in her eyes and adoring expression. His lips curled up a little, "This is nothing..". "Ruri too!! Ruri want to do that too!!!", she chirped and jumping excitedly. What they are doing? Mikey seems showed her how to use the pull up bars at that park and managed to rolling up in the air. Getting down, he lift her body up and holding her, "Hold tight to the bar..". "Nii-chan don't let go, kay?", she looked at him slightly nervous. "I won't. Hands on the bar", he saw her nodded her head, "Try to pull yourself up". He could see how her face turned red just by trying it as he then gave her a little push. Oh how her face turned bright when he help her to pull herself up like that, "Nii-chan!! LOOK!!!". She chirped as she looked at him with sparkling eyes. A smile made it to his face, "Not bad, kid..". 

Time passed as he then heard familiar voices, "What the two of you doing?". Turning his head, he saw her with that usual gentle smile. He wonder why his heart felt like in turmoil. "Nee-chan!!!", ruri face brightened as she glomping her sister. Hearing her giggled, he feel his chest somehow tightened. "Mikey nii help Ruri catch this- AH!", just when she opened her hand, the tiny frog jumped to her. He could see her face turned pale before she screamed, "R-ruri will help!!". He could see how ruri trying to catch it yet it jumped into another spot avoiding those little hands. He standing there watching how the frog jumped here and there, while Ruri trying her best to catch it. Y/n? He could see how she is keep moving around in panic, trying to get the frog off of her body, "GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!!!!". As amusing as it is, he decided to help. His intention was good but when he tried grab that frog, apparently his hand grab another thing. 

The frog? It jumped on top of Ruri's head. He froze feel the softness in his hand, while her face turned red and hurriedly pushed him as hard as she could, made him somehow fall on his butt. Her arms hurriedly covered her chest as she bite her lips. It seems she want to said something but she decided to just took her leave as he could see her eyes glistening with tears, "Ah! N-nee chan! U-uh um..". Ruri looked back to her and him, seems didn't know to whom she have to go. "I think it's better if you to head home, Ruri", he still stare to his hand as he mumbled. "T-then. B-bye Nii-chan. Let's go Eddie!", Ruri hurriedly running after glance to the tiny frog that still rest on top of her head, trying to catch up to her sister. '', remembering the feelings, he felt something dripping from his nose. Wiped it with the back of his hand, his eyes widened a little, 'blood???'. While he is busy figuring why his nose bleeding, Sanzu running towards him in worries when he saw him sat on the ground, "Mikey?! What happened? Hey! Your nose bleeding!". Getting up, he again wiped his nose with the back of his hand, "...Sanzu..". "Y-yeah? You okay, boss?", he looked at him worried. "Let's get some marshmallow..", sanzu just looked at him confused as he start following Mikey, "W-wait, hold on! Are you alright? Why your nose bleeding?". 

-End of Mikey's POV-

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