Chapter 26

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-Mikey's POV-

He grab Sanzu's neck, strangling him, "W-wait M-mik-". Kaku and Koko tried their best to peeled him off Sanzu as they saw how the poor guy face already turned blue. 

*Few hours before*

The four of them was in shocked when they heard Mikey shout loudly like that. Seeing her with another guy and how in rage Mikey is sure made them all turned pale. "This...won't end pretty...", Ran nervously chuckled when saw how everything unfolded. That dramatic fight between those two people sure made four of them amazed how those three didn't even care about people that whispering around. "Don't you think we should stop-", "SHUSH! It just got interesting!", Ran shushed Kakucho that just clicked his tongue. "Yeah shut the fuck off, man!", Sanzu glare at him, "can't you see our boss doing his best-". "WHY DOES IT MATTER WHAT SANZU THINK?! WHY?! WHY YOU ALWAYS SO WORRIED WHAT HE IS THINKING ABOUT?! ARE YOU IN LOVE WITH HIM OR SOMETHING?! AM I NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU?!", sanzu's eyes widened when heard those words. "You are so fucking death..", Koko smirked as he glance at Sanzu that turning pale. "D-don't you think this is good time stopping this bullshit-", "I don't know, man.. Things just got soooo interesting..", Kakucho grinned as he just standing there, seems now start enjoying the little drama. "Let's just stay put first.. If we see boss losing his cool too much then it be great if one of us be the break for him", Ran sighed as he saw how Mikey demeanor changing, "..and boi he losing that cool like right!". Koko clicked his tongue as he fast grab his arm, "Boss.. I think he got a point here.. How about let y/n explain what she meant". "Koko is right, mikey.. If you losing your cool now, he will get her instead of you.. Look, you are sacring her..", Kaku coming closer to mikey, whispering to him as he went between them, "I don't think she is telling the truth about how she is feeling.. There is no harm listening to what she is about to say..".. Koko gave him as small nervous smile, clearly they are trying their best to calm Mikey down. It sure took a lot of times and it sure hard to convince mikey, yet somehow they managed to made him listen. 

"You.. Are you cheating-", "Mikey.. I held no such feelings for you..". The four of them gasped in union when hearing what she just said. "Ooooffff... that is some emotional damage over there..", Ran winced a bit. Deep down somehow he start to felt bad for mikey, that must be felt like being punched on the chest. There is nothing more humiliating than being rejected in front of your subordinates. Sanzu rolled his eyes, "Pff! What so good about that girl-", "....Listen Mikey! You already have Sanzu by your side. Isn't that more than enough?! Why are you being so selfish?! You are so greedy! I", they all saw how tears streaming down her cheeks. "Oh my god! He made her cry! What is he doing?! Bro, hug her! Do something!", Kaku groaned in frustration as he tried to keep his voice down. Sanzu smack Kaku's arm, "What?! Are you crazy, kaku?! Mikey won't fall for such crocodile tears-", "But I don't want him!". Sanzu froze when heard another words from mikey. The time Mikey said he didn't want him, he could felt his heart somehow felt like someone squeeze it. "W-wait, boss? You..don't", Sanzu looked at Mikey, yet it could be seen there is only her in his eyes. The way he didn't even bother to glance at him, sure broke his heart some more and he could felt his heart sinking. "D-did Mikey really said...", sanzu looked at Koko with pitiful looks on his face as koko just sighed while grab sanzu's shoulder, "You do know that is not what he meant..". "Yeah..but still..", sanzu voice trembled a bit. She seems saw how hurts Sanzu is by those words as seems that sure angered her more, "How could be so cruel to your own boyfriend.. You.. I never knew you are such a scum..". Hearing how she has took his side, he felt somehow touched, "Yeah, how could you- Wait what?". The five of them standing there dumbfounded as they watching her leaving. 

*End of the Flashback*

"YOU!!! THIS IS ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT-", Kaku seems managed to peeled Mikey off from Sanzu, "C-calm down, mikey!". "Because of this bastard!", mikey growled at Sanzu that fall on his knees and coughing while still gasping for the air. "Listen, mikey! This is good!", Koko tried to calm mikey down as mikey glare at Koko that flinched. "L-let me explain it to you! I meant what I understand from what she just said, she do share same feelings with you, boss! It just that she thought you already in relationship! But since it's all misunderstanding, we could still fix this!". "We? I don't-", Koko glare at Ran that hurriedly shut his mouth. "As for now, let's try let things cool first then I will help you talked it out with her. How about that?", Koko gave him a small nervous smile as Mikey fall silent before gave them a cold glare, "If this isn't working.. I will kill all of you..". 

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