Chapter 31

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"All you need is a support to make your gang famous right? Fame is what you are looking for.. So people will know you are as the strongest.. If I have the position in my family, I could easily help spread your name faster.. Join me...", You could see his eyes widened when he heard your words. Still extending your hand for him to take, saw his head hanging low, made you hard to see his face from where you are standing. You heard him mumbled as you furrowed your brows in confusion, "Mikey?". "Where..the hell you have such stupid idea...", the cold tones that mixed with anger which could be heard from his voices sent shivered through your body. Just when you are about to answer him, you heard an eerie chuckles from him. Seeing the sudden changes, you are about to pulled your hand away, yet his hand fast grab your arm, preventing you to pulling your hand away from him. With how fast he is standing on his feet, closing the distances between both of you, you could feel fears start creeping inside of you. That twisted smile yet anger in his eyes sure not something you expect to see, "is that how you see me, y/n? Do you really think that I'm coming all the way here just for that shit? I don't give a single fuck about that thing.. Fame? I have enough fame, y/n. Even without your help, I will get what I want... So, stop saying such foolish things!". "T-then why-", you heard him scoffed before he letting go of your arm, "Are you deaf or what? I might be stupid, but I'm not as idiotic to not knowing my own feelings and I know you understand what I meant...". Biting your lips, again you looked away from him as you back away from him. Hugging yourself as to try make yourself smaller, you heard him sighing yet again you could feel his warm hands. His rough fingers awkwardly brushed your right cheek. The silence that filling in the room, his light touch over your cheek made your heart back pounding louder. "Until when you will ignore my feelings to you, y/n...", you could feel your cheeks getting hotter by seconds. Seeing how flustered you are and how you tried your hard to avoid his eyes, you could hear the soft sigh escaping his lips, "I like you, y/n.. and I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do for you to believe me... If my words won't reach you at all..".

Your eyes widened when again you feel his hot lips over yours, your hands tried to pushed his chest away, yet that just made him pushing himself closer to you more. Your back could feel the cold wall as you keep backing away from him, yet that is not enough to stop him from kissing you. The time you gasped for air, you could feel his tongue slide inside your mouth, taking his chances to twirls with your tongue. At first you keep struggling under him, yet by the seconds passed, you melt to his kiss. The used to be forced kiss turned into one longing kiss. The rough fight between your tongue slowly turned into more gentle rhythm. The deeper the kiss became, the more you could feel your knees getting weak and the more your head unable to think clearly. Your hands that was tried to pushed him away, now wrapped around his back, pulling his body closer to yours. Pulling away from your lips, he gave a small peck to your lips before he sighed. His thumb gently brushed over your red lips, he could see how red your face and how you slightly looks in daze, "Y/n-chin.. Come with me.. I beg you..". His hand scoped your cheek, you stare back into his eyes that pleaded you to leave with him. You could feel your chest tightened. The stinging pains, how much he long for you, how much he wanted you, and how much he want you to go with him. "..but..", you then could feel his forehead before he gave a small kiss on your forehead, "I understand.. Y/n, all I wish is your safety.. you and your sister are someone precious to me. Can't you at least give it more thoughts on this.. Please...". Being pulled into his embrace, you melt into his warmth. Being in his arms feel so safe and sure calmed all your anxiety. The way his warmth embracing your body, felt like nothing else is matters for you. The faint smell of his cologne, made all your exhaustion slowly melting away, you sighed as you nuzzled your face to his chest, " week... give me time to think about everything..". Little did you know, while you hide your face in his chest, his lips curled up into a smirk. As much as he want to push it more, he don't want to risk it with you, "Then I will be back in a week.". Never you expect a kiss on top of your head before he letting you go. The time his warmth leaving you, you could feel some weird feelings deep inside your chest. "You should rest, y/n-chin... I will take my leave now-", you wonder what's wrong with you as you fast grab his sleeve the time he about to leave your room. Your eyes widened when saw him gave you a small cheeky smile. Your cheeks turned bright red as he grab hold your hand, "Y/n-chin, it's better for me to leave now before I can't control myself...". Hurriedly pull your hand away from him, you are too flabbergasted to answer him back. There you standing watching him walking out your room with a satisfying smile. Seems like he at least managed to accomplished what he is coming over there for. Convincing you to changes your decisions and oh how he would be in really good moods for at least few days.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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