Chapter 4

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Your face turned bright red as you were still hugging yourself. As much as you want to scream, you can't. Crouched down in front of the front door, as you just hide your red face between your knees, you trying to calm yourself. "NEEEE-CHAAAAAN!!!", you could hear your sister screaming your name as you saw her running with those little legs. Panting and wheezing as she looked at you worried, you could see her already having hard time to walk with that wobbly gestures. Catching her in your arms, you could feel her cling to you for her dear life. "Ha-hafth mhkihey nhichan,...nhechan hfawhyo hanghy...nho fhgight bhaad", You could hear her inaudible voices as you sighed and stroked her back, "Try catch your breath first, Ruri... Take your times. I have no idea what you are saying". It took the poor child almost 10 minutes to catch her breath, "A-are you fight with Mikey-nii? Why nee-chan push nii-chan? Dat no nice, nee-chan..". You flinched when hear those words from your little sister as your face back turning red again. "T-that is..T-that's not it, Ruri.. I-it just he..h-he surprised me and t-the frog I thought h-his hand was the f-frog.. S-so I accidently pushed him away". God how you struggled to making up excuses so your sister won't have any misunderstanding. "Nee-chan not angy with mikey-nii?", she looked up at you with those big innocent concerned eyes. You bit your lips, well you can't really say you are angry at him but you did feel slightly upset and embarrassed when his hand grab your chest, "..A bit..". "Please no angy at nii-chan.. I-it's Ruri's fault.. I'm showwy, nee-chan", you could feel her grip on your sleeve tightened and trembled a little as her eyes started to glistened. 

You sighed as you wiped away the tears that finally streamed down her chubby cheeks, "It's alright.. I'm not angry at you or him, okay? So don't cry... Ruri, you know how nee-chan didn't like frogs.. Why you did that..". Still sobbing, she buried her face to your chest as you stroking her head, "B-because frog small and no scawy.. Nii-chan help catch.. So Ruri..Ruri wanna show nee-chan too...". You sighed as you scooped her into your arms, you understood how your sister wanted to share the things that she liked with you as sweet as it is, you hate frogs. Thinking about those slimy bodies already made you shiver, "No more frogs, okay? There there don't cry.. But Ruri.. Why do you like him so much?". You could hear her sobs cease, yet you could see those big eyes glistening still and of course her running nose as you wiped her snot using her own shirt, "Ruri don't know... But Nii-chan cool like nupi!!!!". She chirped as you couldn't help but smiled, "You like them that much huh.. But Ruri.. Don't play with Mikey too much.. Your other friends will get lonely if you hangout with them all the time. ". "But Ruri like Mikey-nii more...", you could see her sulking a little as you could see she start playing with your long hair a little to avoid your gaze. Thing she did every time she want something but know you won't happy about it. Somehow you couldn't help feeling concerned with how things are. As good as Mikey with your little sister, still he is a gang member, "It just you are a girl and playing with someone your age is more fun, no? You can play house-". You could see how much she frowned by the idea as you sighed, "Ruri.. He is too old to play with you and he is probably busy too... You can't always ask him to play with you, okay?". You saw how your sister pouted and sulking. You heard a small grunt from her as she rest her head on your shoulder. 

Thanks to what happened in the afternoon, you ended up keep thinking about him. Worrying about what kind of face you should make when you meet him again next time. People say if you are thinking about someone too much, you tend to end up dreaming about that certain person. Seems it's not all just myth. [It' dark....], you looked around before starting to walk. While walking trying to find the way out, your eyes saw something shining nearby your feet. [A..higanbana...?], you furrowed your brows as your eyes then saw slowly one by one the flower bloom from that darkness and make a small path for you. [...I see..a dream..], aware of what was happening yet you somehow unable to control yourself and start walking following the glowing higanbana. After that long walk, you saw someone standing at the end of the path. At first you squint your eyes a little to get a better looks who is that. Your eyes widened a little when you saw Mikey then you saw your little sister holding hands with him, [Mikey...kun? Ruri-chan..?]. Heard their name being called they looked at you yet their expressions were cold and held no life in their eyes. Made you somehow shivered. Your eyes then saw the black shadow behind them, you gasped in shock. You saw how they turned their back on you as that black shadow started engulfing them, [MIKEY!! RURI!!]. Just when you are about to run to them, you feel like yourself fall into a sudden deep pit. Getting the feeling of falling like that, your body jolted, waken you up in cold sweats. You could feel your heart pounding as your hand clenched the shirt on your chest tight. 'Ruri?!', you hurriedly looked to your side. Sighing in relief when you saw your little sister deep in sleep right beside you, you pulled her closer to hold her , 'that dream...what was that....'. Holding her as close as you could, 'God...Please protect us..', you silently pray inside your heart. Afraid something bad might fall upon your sister.

That dream sure made you end up staying up until the morning comes. Sighing, you put your uniform on and tried to make yourself as presentable as you could. Sending your little sister to her kindergarten, you yawned while making your way to your school. Being third year, there is no class being held anymore. All you have to do is prepare yourself for the exam entrance for your collage, it's not even compulsory anymore for you to go to school since you just need to wait for the graduation ceremony. "Naniwa senpai, morning!", heard your junior greet you, you gave him a small smile, "Morning,". Your eyes then saw many students gathered around the windows and seemed to be watching something. "What are they doing? Is something happened?", you looked at your junior that rubbed the back of his neck, "Ah ya see.. Seems there will be a fight or somethin'.. Saw another dude from different school comin'. No need to concern yourself with that, senpai. I will keep ya safe!!". Hearing that, you ended up chuckled lightly, "Oh my.. Thank you.. Are you heading for the gym? How's the team lately?". He sighed as he nodded his head, "Yeah that's the plan but captain still being a pain! Can't you stay as our manager until graduation? No one wants to be our manager and captain only listen to you anyway". Heard him whined you just gave him a weak smile, "As much as I would love to, I need to focus on my exam entrance". " 's that so.. Then ya headin' to the library again today?", nodded your head, you saw his face brightened, "Lemme walk ya there then! It's the same way to the gym.".

Walking with your junior, he ended up convincing you to at least saying hello to the team you used to manage before. Deep inside you didn't want to seeing that guy anymore. That's right, the captain of the basketball team was your ex. That's one of the reason why you stopped being their manager other than wanting to focus yourself on your study.

 Oh how your eyes widened in shock when you saw the familiar figure, "Huh? Who is that punk- Senpai?!". You fast run towards him as you grab the back of his cloth, making his head turn slightly to look at you. "M-mikey? What are you... What are you doing here?", you saw the faint smile on his face, "There you are, y/nchin..". Hearing him saying your name, somehow made your heart pound and fluttered a little. Pulling your hand away, as you averted your gaze to hide the faint blushed on your cheeks, you flinched a little when saw another guy with scars at the corner of his lips staring at you in cold gaze. Back to your senses, you looked at mikey, "What brought you here- Wait, how did you know my name and my school?". "Come on, let's go. This place is boring", he take hold of your hand before pulling you to walk with him. You feel another hand grab your other hand, turning your head, you see the upset looks on your junior's face, "Who the hell are ya?".

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