Chapter 10

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"You really shouldn't.. I heard you have meeting to-", putting his helmet on you, he just took out the key as he hop onto his motorbike, "get on..". You sighed as you are hesitate a little before hop on the back, "c-could you go slower this time?". He rolled his eyes as he sighed, "fine.. just hold on". Hearing his answer like that, you looked at him in doubtful looks. Apparently his slow is a different level with you or is it really? "M-mikey, p-please slow down!". You wrapped your arms around him, hold onto him tightly. While you are having hard time getting used to all this, his lips curled up. Little did you know, he did this intentionally. The sudden break, the speed. Anything that made you squeak and, holding tight and close onto him. He surely played you as he found it amusing how you protest at him and how you squeak when he suddenly hit the break. Just like before, you close your eyes as tight as you could while buried your face on his back.

Feel the wind stopped, slowly you opened your eyes. You could see your school gate as you then slowly letting go of him. Deep inside somehow you wish you could hold onto him longer. Realising that thoughts, you quickly shook your head, 'what am I thinking?! I'm must be crazy!'. "Thank you for dropping me..", you gave him a small smile as you handed the helmet back to him, "Ah the jacket-". "You can gave it back tomorrow", hearing that somehow you feel a bit giddy deep inside 'Tomorrow huh.. so that meant we will meet again tomorrow..'. "Y/n?", hearing the familiar voice, you turned to see the one who called up to you. You froze a for a moment, until you realised he already standing in front of you and Mikey, yet you are trying your best to remain calm and collected, "...Konichiwa, haya-kun..". Your hands gripped the edge of the jacket's sleeves as you are clearly forcing yourself to meet his eyes. "I heard about what happened today.. Are you alright?", hearing his voice enough to made your heart ached. You've been breaking up with him for quite long yet you did still have some lingering feelings, "..I guess I'm.. What-". "What do you want?", your eyes widened when saw Mikey suddenly standing between you and him. From behind him, you could see the annoyances in your ex's eyes yet you could see his usual fake smile that he use every time he is trying to be polite to people, "I'm here to give her bag back. Could you please move aside? I would like to talk with her. ". "She doesn't want talking with you. Give me the bag and get lost", you gasped in shocked when heard mikey saying that. You could see how your ex string of patience almost snapped, "Who are you anyway? Why would you decide things for her. Move, I need to have few words with her". Seeing how mikey about to raise his fist, you hurriedly grab his arm, "Mikey..". Clenched his teeth, he lowered his hand, "I-it's alright..".

-Mikey's POV-

She gave him a small reassuring smile. A sighed could be heard from him as he pulled his arm away, stepping aside to letting her talked with the guy 'dammit..what's with me'. "About what happened that time-", took the bag from him, she gave him a cold glare, "It doesn't matters anymore, haya-kun.. Thank you for getting my bag for me..". "But, y/n.. It's not like what you think-", saw how that guy hand about to reached her, he fast pulling her to him while he grab that guy wrist, "Fuck are you doing?". "What happened between me and her is not your concern", he glare back at Mikey as he pulled his hand away. "Y/n.. I'm not sure what that girl was telling you but... I do like you and about our relationship, I'm taking it seriously. So, please... Just five minutes, hear me out for one last time", his voice trembled a little. Mikey of course just rolled his eyes when hearing that. He looked over his shoulder, he thought she would have the same reaction as him and would think those words are bullshit, yet there he could see in her eyes clearly as a morning sky, those words seems move her heart, ' gotta be kidding me...'. He wondered why he felt his chest tightened when seeing her expression, the expression where she would give that guy another chances, he hates that thought, "Y/nchin... Aren't you supposed to go get your sister?". He heard her gasped in realisation as for some reason he felt relief, 'Good that seems distract her'. "Y-you are right.. Sorry, haya-kun.. I don't think I could do that...for now.. I have to pick Ruri up..", they could see a weak smile that she force to pull. "But-", "Anyway! Thank you for getting my bag back. And thank you for the ride, Mikey..", Oh how it made him felt so good when she flashed him a different smile. Somehow he have that felt like he just won something. He didn't know what he won but he sure feeling happy about it. That genuine and warm smile, it sure made his heart skipped a beat a little too, "You better made me something good.. Say hi to Ruri from me". "Of course, then.. I guess see you tomorrow", smiled made it to his face when she just waved her goodbye and took her leave.

"You.. You are Mikey from Kantou Manji Gang, right?", he back looked at the guy with cold eyes, when heard his name being said, 'This pest still here huh...'. "So what if I'm?", he could hear the guy scoffed as he slicked his hair back, "Did she know?". "Why does it matter?", god how he want to just pummeled that arrogant face. He know this guy sure is a two face, the minutes she is gone, he act like a totally different person, "From what I see, you two seems not yet in relationship. But, I'm telling you one thing.. Y/n hates violence. I wonder how she will react if she know what kind of monster you are". He could felt a hard thumped inside of his chest. The thoughts that she would find out how violent he could be, his dark impulse that probably will lead into him harming her, but the most thought that made his heart felt like sinking is the thought of her hating him for who he is and left him. "I don't know what is your relationship with her but, I think she is better off with someone that's more normal. Someone like me or any other guy out there..", hearing that he clenched his fists, trying not to drown into those words and trying his best not to erase that smug smile from Hayato's face.

-End of Mikey's POV-

"I'm sorry for being late, Ruri", you sighed as you could see your little sister pouted. You've been apologizing to her numerous times all the way home. You do understand how upset she is because she end up being the last one in there and how in fact you spent half the day with her new favorite person. "No fae!! Ruri too want play wif Mikey-nii!!!", she angrily shout at you as you sighed. It's not like you want to end up hangout with him but it just somehow happened. "I'm sorry, okay? let's all play together next time, hm? How about I make you some hamburger for dinner?", hearing that from you, you could see her gasped and her eyes sparkled in excitement , "we hab borger tonite?!". Seeing that, you couldn't help but chuckled as you nodded your head, "Yes, we-". You stopped suddenly on your tracks when you saw him in front of your house fences. Seems he heard your voices as he turned looking at your way, "Y/n...". ' he doing here...'.

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