Chapter 30

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Took a deep breath, you could see your hands shaking a little. Bite your lips, you could hear your faint shaky breath. The time you step your feet out your grandmother's house and head to the shrine, you won't be able to back enjoying your normal life. "For mother..and brother..", you mumbled quietly as you tried to calm yourself and standing straight. "Y/n-san. The ceremony is about to begin. We have to go now", you heard the young miko spoke to you as you know they re here to pick you up. Just when you  are about to put on your Geta, your eyes widened when you saw the front slide door broken. There you saw Mikey that has kicked open the door. Of course him doing that made the two of young Miko screamed. "Y-y/n-san, d-don't worry!", one of them tremblingly stand in front of you when saw Mikey lowering his foot and stared at you with his usual expressionless face. "Move", he spoke with his cold tones and voice, made the young one turned pale as she hold her tears. Another one then stand in front of you, "W-we won't let you hurting the next Kannushi- Hic-". Of course he glared at them, made those two young girls shut their mouth while keep hold their tears. "No worries, boss~ Leave these two brats to us", Sanzu and Ran smirked as that sure made those two girls tremble in fear. It shocked you when you saw clearly behind Mikey'a most of Kanto Manji Gang's executive are there outside the house. Trying your best to put a brave and calm expression, deep inside, you too feel the fear when you saw Mikey walking approaching you while he just pushed aside those two girls like nothing. Looking straight at him, not even a friendly smile could be seen on your face, "You are unwanted here-". "I don't care", he cut your words as you gasped a little, "You-!". You sighed as you know, there is no use arguing with him as you know that would just wasting your time, "Don't get in my way.. Please move aside. I have something more important to attend-". Your eyes widened when he just scoped you in his arms and proceed carried you inside the house, "W-what-?! PUT ME DOWN!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!". You start struggling as he then just decided put your body on his shoulder like carrying a sack of rice, "MANJIRO SANO!! PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!! PUT ME-". "Stop moving so much or I will spank the shit of you".,  Your eyes widened when heard him saying that. Your face turned as red as it could be as you glare at him and pulled his hair a bit, "PUT ME DONW NOW!". He clicked his tongue in annoyance as he glance at you, "Stop that, y/n.". You flinched when saw how that is enough to start anger him a bit. You wonder how come he could find you and how come he even know which room is belong to you. 

Saw him locked the door, your cheeks blushed as you start back panicking, "W-WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING-?!". Thrown you on the bed, you glare at him as you hurriedly grab the pillow and throw it to him. Of course that weak throw could be easily catch by him. Throwed the pillow back as it hit your face, you grab that pillow again as you start hitting his chest and stomach, "GET OUT!!! GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU-". At first he found it cute how you fight uselessly like that, but by the seconds passed, he started to get annoyed. Grabbed the pillow, he throw it aside as he fast grab both of your wrists. Glaring at him, you hates how your heart still pounding for him. "But I want to see you..", he looked straight to your eyes. Oh how that shaken your heart, he could see how you almost flattered yet you still trying to glare at him, "I-i don't care. Let go of me!". "I don't want to...",  that is sure almost melt your heart when his tone has gone softened. You could even feel yourself barely fight him. "What else you want from me... Aren't you enough-", your eyes widened when felt the familiar warmth touched your lips. Minutes passed, you hates the fact that you didn't even pushed him away from kissing your lips. Pulling away from your lips, you could feel his hands letting go of your wrist but scoped your cheeks in gentle way, "Y/n.. Whatever the fuck you thought I knew. I knew nothing before.. If I've known about everything..". Tears welling up in your eyes, "Then what? What you will do if you know hm? There is nothing you could-". "I could carry the burden for you..", your tears streaming down your cheeks. His thumbs gently wiped them away as your lips quivering, "L...lies...". Again you felt his lips giving yours a gentle peck, "You have my words.. Y/n, tell me everything. Let me carry those burden with you.. I don't want you to suffer alone". Hearing him whispering those words with each gentle pecks on your lips, you know those words probably something that he isn't thinking by himself, yet somehow it is sounds quite genuine to you. 

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