Chapter 28

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"Are you sure you will be alright?", you could see your uncle eyes glanced at those boys behind you. You nodded your head as you closed the door behind you, "They are.. Good people, uncle.. Once I'm done helping them, I will take the train..". You heard your uncle sighing as he massages his forehead a little, "Y/n.. You are-". "I'm old enough to make my own decisions. I'm sorry for putting Ruri in your care, if it's too much-", "Child.. That is enough. I understand. Just promise one thing, we are all one call away. I will send someone over to pick you up tomorrow..", you sighed as you nodded your head. You then feel his big warm hand stroke your head in caring way, "I know you are all grown up and now an adult. I understand you have your own way to dealt with what is going on with your life and I know that is none of my business too. But, y/n.. When everything is too much for you to shoulder alone, do remember that you still have us your family to turned on to-". Hearing that, you scoffed as you slapped his hand away. A mocking smile could be seen on your face, "Thank you for your kind words. I know enough who I should held onto and who I shouldn't hold onto. Just make sure Ruri reached grandma's place alive and with no harms... You do know the consequences if something happened to either one of us...Farewell, uncle. May you have a safe trip". Your eyes glances coldly at him before walked passed him to the car, to bid your little sister farewell. " go? Ruri wan stay too", you could heard her voices cracking a little as she wrapped her little arms around your neck. "Ruri, you go ahead first, okay? Nee-chan need to clean something at the house first.. Once I'm done, I will come to you. I promise..", you stroke her back in gentle way as she shook her head, "NO!! DUN WANNAAAA!!!". "Ruri.. One of us have to go.. Father is waiting there.. Now, I need your help so no one would bully him there. Isn't Mikey-nii teach you to be strong?", you pulled away a bit from her as you gave her a small smile. She nodded her head yet tears already escaped her big eyes. "Then you will be alright.. When you reached there, make sure you go with grandma. Never ever leave her side. Only go with grandma, father, or Kuko. Other than them, answer to no one and follow no one. Can you do that for me, sister?", you let your forehead touched hers as she nodded slightly, the tip of your nose brushed over the tip of her nose, "You are a Naniwa.. We will prevail.. This time we will.. For mother and brother. Be good and wait for me". You whispered quietly as your sister tried to repeat those words too quietly, "For mom and nii-chan..". You pulled your sister into a tight hug before letting go of her and kissed her forehead. You gave your uncle a light glare before stepping back and closed the car door.

Once the car left, Rin come closer to you as he took your hand, "What the fuck was that, y/n? Come inside.. Your hand is freezing-". "That person you saw... is one of the people who murder my mother and brother. Rin.. I just sent my sister to a freaking warzone by herself.. I wonder if I made a right decisions..", he could see a broken smile on your face. Your words sure bring a shock to him. Pulling your hand away from him, you know if you let him hold you longer, your tears will fall, "Y/n-". " he awake?", it's sure taken him back when he heard how cold your voice is, "Y-yeah sort of.. Wait, y/n.. Listen-". You felt him back grab your hand as you again trying to pulled your hand away, "Let go, Rin. I need to-". "To what?! What is it with you and him?! Getting together with him, huh? Look what he did to you! All he could bring you is misery and troubles!", you bite your lips, "There is something I want to ask him-". Your eyes widened when felt him pulled you into his arms, feeling his warmth and the comforting smell of his cologne, oh how you want to just stay in his arms. You could heard his voice softened, "And then what? Getting yourself hurts again from his words? Y/n,". You hurriedly pushed him away. You could see the broken expression on his face and how hurts it is for him when you pushed him away, "No... Please don't-". He scoped your cheeks with his warm hands, looking right to your eyes. "Y/n.. involving yourself with a man like him, it will only bring harms to you rather than goods.. I could treat you better than any other those men out there.. I will cherish you", staring to his eyes, there is nothing other than honesty and love that you could see there. As sweet as it is, you are unable to lied to your own heart and feelings. Your eyes avoiding his, enough for him to understand that your heart only held one person inside. There's no room for him anymore. Gritted his teeth, he let go of you reluctantly. "I'm sorry, rindou.. and thank you...", you spoke in shaky voice as you left him there alone and head inside your house. Standing there heart broken, he bitterly scoffed as he whispered quietly to himself, "No..I'm sorry that I love you...".

Taking a deep breath to clear your mind, you sighed before opened the door to your room. There you could see that Mikey seems just woke up and seems just ended a conversation with Sanzu and Ran. "Y/n-chin-", "Could I please have some words with you..Just the two of us, mikey?", you could see how shocked they're. "You two leave...", his hoarse voice could be heard, made you somehow flinched a little. Both Sanzu and Ran seems hesitant to leave you alone with Mikey, yet they didn't have that much of choices and end up close the door. Do they really leave? Of course not, there they are placed their ears on the door trying to eavesdropping.

You sat on the bed beside him, gathering all your courage, "What is it, y/n-chin?". You bite your lips, wondered which words you should use to get the answers you needed to know. "Just say it-", his hand tried to touched you yet you somehow slapped it away quite fast. Seeing your harsh rejection, his eyes darkened as you flinched, "S-sorry..It just..". "What you want to talk about?", you felt his tones sounds slight colder. Trying to calm yourself by taking a deep breath once more, you looked him in the eyes, "Why..are you the Sano's family-". "It's my family graves..", he cut you as he sighed, "I fall asleep because I'm too tired..". Hearing Sano is his family name, it made your heart almost stopped. Seeing how your face turned pale, it sure surprised him as well, "Y/n-chin?". "S-sano... you are..someone from sano? you know who Shinichiro Sano is?". His eyes widened when heard the name that come out from your lips, "He big brother...". Hearing that, you clenched your skirt with your hands, " long you know about Ruri? Is that why you coming close to this family? Is Sano family finally want to take Ruri in?". Your voices trembled in anger, clearly knowing him as someone from sano is upsetting you. "What the hell are you on about-", his hand again trying to touch you, but again once more you slapped it away. Getting up, you looked at him full of hatred, "Don't touch me.. I won't hand her over. Even over my dead body.. Ruri is my sister.. I don't care even if we re related by blood or not. She is not Sano anymore..". "W-what? Wait, you mean she is-", you scoffed at him, "Until when you are going to pretend...". You hates the clueless looks on his face. Deep inside you are probably had a hunch that he probably have no idea about Ruri, but you can't help felt unable to trust him at all. "Leave.. You are not welcome in this household...", that is the first time he heard your voice became that cold to him. There is nothing other than resentment could be seen on your face, which enough to shut him down and let his head hang low.

Ran and Sanzu looked at each other gulping, "holly shit.. Is Ruri..". "Mikey's daughter?", sanzu gasped as Ran slapped the back of his head, "His brother child, you sicko!". He scold him as quite as he could. "But..damn.. I didn't expect these all..", Ran sighed as he chuckled lightly. "I thought I hallucinating or something when I saw a resemblance between Ruri and Mikey..", Sanzu sighed, "but still..This is really shocking...".

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