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Ashton pov


Sitting in the library with my friends they all look at me as if I was sick, in which I was, I mean who wouldn't be after telling your father, the person that you look up to and tell them the biggest lie. A lie so big that it's making me fiscally sick. I had no choice but to tell my friends

"YOU DID WHAT?" They all said in unison, causing everyone in the library to look at us. I buried my head in shame wanting to die.

"Why did you say that you had a girlfriend?" Tamara asked. "You should have told him the truth, that would have been a perfect opportunity."

"No I couldn't, he was criticizing my art. He said he didn't wanna people to get the wrong idea about me..." I said letting out a sigh then hitting my head on her shoulder.

"Ashton, who cares? You never let just anyone in your room anyway. How would people know that or get that idea?"

"I don't know, I just want my father to be happy with me. I don't want to upset him."

"But Ash-"

"Hey Ashton, have you thought about the dance yet?" Tamara was cut off my Sasha who had a complete make over but I felt nothing when I looked at her. I felt like a fraud.

"Sasha? You look different."

"You, noticed?" She says blushing as tucked her short black hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, of course, you look nice," I responded.

"Nice?" Her reaction to my response wasn't good. She held her head down and didn't make eye contact with me. I felt guilty. I knew I had to make it up to her.

"I will go to the dance with you." I said.

She jumps for joy and runs off out of the library. I look to my friends who are confused by my sudden decision but I just couldn't confess yet. It needed to be the right time.

"Are you serious?" Chloe asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and tried to blend in with the table.
On my way to lunch I spot Zach talking to this girl on his way to the gym. On the other side I see Devin arguing with Becky once again. I make eye contact with both of them and I try to run the opposite direction.

"Ashton!" The both call me at once I run to the second floor and hide inside the library.

Not to long after I felt shadow was over me. I look up and it was the two of them looking down at me. I swallow a lump in the throat and smiled nervously.

"Why are you going to the dance with Sasha?" Devin asked.

"She asked me to go a while ago and I now said yes." I said standing my ground.

"Are you still gonna ride with us?" Zach asked, I nodded. "What made you wanna say yes all of a sudden?"

"I don't know, she's my classmate.. I guess.." I looked away blurring my face in my arms wanting the two of them to go away, at least for right now.

"Fine, whatever." Devin walks off pissed. When I look up Zach is sitting in front of me. I felt his hand slightly touch my arm.

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