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Zach pov

[Lunch time]

"So Oscar, right?"


"What made your family wanna come out here?"

I asked as the two of us eat lunch together. I watch as he eats nuts like they are pills.

"Honestly I wanted to come here." He confesses.


"Yeah, I stay with a family in this town...who is that?" He trails off his words and points to a person with long curly dirty blonde hair and and outfit similar to what Ashton was wearing. Now that I think about that is him.

"That's my friend. He's very..."

"Can you tell your friends to come here and talk to us?"


"Don't tell be your homophobic... Come on." I was taken back by what he assumed about me.

"No, no, definitely not that... Well you see.."

"I'll just go then, is he dating someone?"

I looks over and seen Devin sitting with him. The two are just laughing and giggling like nobody is in the room. And Ricky is joining in. I hate seeing him with Devin it just drives me crazy.

"Uh-oh, you look a little jealous mate." Oscar jokes.

"I'm not jealous... I just..."

"It's alright, my new friend. Do you want this boy?"

"I do but he doesn't want me..."

"And how do you know?"

"He told me, I'm just a friend."

"Bullshit. Ha.ha.ha"

"What?" I questioned his choice of words. I was very confused.

"Do you know how many times he has looked over here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Let's just say, he's confused and doesn't know what he really wants."

"What? Of course he does. He's made that clear since the beginning."

"So you already gave up?"

I didn't respond, because that's exactly what I did. Should I keep fighting for him? On keep trying to move on?

"You should always fight for someone you care about." He says continuing to throwback his peanuts.

After lunch I make my way to Ashton's table and sat next to him making him get scared a little.

"Can't you see a real man is here." Devin jumps in. I just pretend that he wasn't there.


"I'm going to make you mine." I said to Ashton making full eye contact. My heart was full of a adrenaline. Everything stopped working and I just couldn't think straight.


"I'm sorry for making you cry." I looked down at him and eyes were big. Before Ashton could say anything else I left the table.

"Hey, what was that?" Devin asked following me back with his crutches. I kept ignoring him. "Back off of Ashton!" He says stand right in front of me not allowing me to pass.

"What if I don't? You wanna get put back into a hospital?" I said, stepping up. Ashton then runs in between us, trying to break us apart. Oscar runs to my side and pulls me away.

•LOVE ME MORE• Book 1Where stories live. Discover now