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Ashton pov

After getting home from school I ran to my room, shutting the door behind me. I pulled out the paper that Zach gave me and just stared at it.

I pace back and forth making my nervous nail biting habit worse. In the back of my mind I think about all the ways texting him could go wrong. I began to second guess myself. He's just a friend right?

After three hours and finishing homework I did it. I picked up my phone, typed his number and texted him.

<Hey, this is Ashton>

I waited patiently as I felt my heart rate rise of anxiety.

<Hey, how are you?>

He texted back. I didn't think he would text me back so fast.

<Did you eat?>

He asked. I sat on my bed, got comfortable and he and I just kept talking.

<Yeah, I ate. Did you?">

<Yeah, I just finished.>

<Really what did you eat?>

<My mom cooked some Italian food. Chicken Marsala>

<That sounds good.>

<You should come over sometime. I'm sure my mom will make more if I ask.>

<Really? :)>


<Maybe one day. ;)>

The rest of the night was nonstop he and I texting. I don't even know when we went to bed.

{Friday|Five weeks later}

It's been five weeks nonstop of Zach and I talking to each other. It's like we are the same people. We go from text, to phone calls, and when we are in school it's the same thing. He's joined my friend group and I've met some of his friends... Well kinda.

When it's just the two of us we can talk for hours and hours, at least on the phone... My family sometimes thinks I'm talking to myself. All I can do is laugh and smile when I talk to him. He's perfect.
"Hey Ashton!" I hear Zach call my name from behind me as I walk up to the library. He stands in front of me with a huge grin on his face as if he won the lottery.

"Hey," I said back looking up at him holding my books for dear life.

"I was wondering if you are going to the football game tonight. It's a home game and it would be nice if you could come." He says. I noticed his face turn bright red and his ear are even brighter.

"Yeah, I'll come... With my friends of course."

" yeah, it's a school event." He giggle at me. "Where are Tamara and everyone?"

"They might be in the library like always."

"Oh," it suddenly became awkward between us. We didn't know what to say to each other and there was already so many people in the hallway. "Would you like to hang out... Outside of school one day?"

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