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KS walked back to the thana and looked at BJ seating on PJ's table and telling everyone amazing stories about her most jazbati cadet!

She looked at all of them with a poor smile and silently left over to her seat yet glazing at them with corner of her eyes.

Her phone peeped by a message - I'm still waiting for your call.

She looked at it once and kept it back inside her pocket - Sameer! Why is he doing all of this now. What the hell is happening in my life once again?

She again peeped at BJ in wait of her to look back once but BJ was too busy to notice her
And finally she looked at the clock - it already 7!

(They need to go back home because definitely somehow her anu bhaiya will come and she was damn excited)
Time passed by & in no time she slept over her chair resting her head on table.

Suddenly a bold footsteps disturbed her sleep and she woke up with jerk!

What the hell! She was not in thana anymore, it's very sudden that she in middle of London suburbs. And would you believe if I said she was standing in middle of suburb with no one around? Nah....

London is one of the busiest and most populated country in the world! Then how come that Karishma Singh is alone?

Until she heard a loud roar not from a lion but a human evil! Her dreadful husband- Mrs. Araac Malhotra what are you looking at, join us for the meeting! With his remarkable devilish smirk.

She hesitantly had seat on the table, were only Araac was sitting in front of her wearing a blue Raymond court with a black Armani goggles. Don't ask about his pants, he was sitting though.

Her face plastered a fake smile - Araac meeting...
Araac interrupted as he clutched her fingers tightly with his - no questions when you know I don't like it!

She weakly shook her head as she tried to free herself from his grip but he pushed her hands near himself - also no more retaliation to my touch Mrs. Araac Malhotra.

She stopped gripping away as he looked at her with his steep glare- so Mrs. Malhotra

KS weakly interrupts glazing at ground - Araac please tum toh hume Karishma bola karo..
Araac takes a deep breath and firmly speaks - I hope Karishma Araac Malhotra is fine?

And she responded to him with a her weak nod as he continued rubbing her hands with his lust ful eyes - taste this!

Making her conscious about his voice - yaha kuch nhi ha? looking at table doubtfully.
Araac sternly repeated - taste this..

Which made her scared of his deep deadly glare - which one araac ? She hesitantly ask
But Araac tightly struched her head in to harsh kiss making her juggle for her breath.

His head is heavy, heavy as if it was rock! His lips weren't warm ones they were icy cold just life his bloody cold nature! Why the hell, he bites and chops her lips more than actually kissing them.

But Suddenly, she squirmed into his arms by not by any dovey romance but by a forcefully slap on her back making her fall over him.

As a mid aged man boldly interrupts - that's my deal!
Which made araac leave KS 's lips and adhere his cold attention at that man in 40s.
Man - araac...

Araac interrupts - for you it's Mr. Malhotra! you are not my best friend and neither my wife.( Hardly looking at him)
Man shook his head as yes - Sure! So my lawyer had a talk with you regarding our deal..

Her Reasons! जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें