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Karishma was busy seeing the pillars of the villa when her falls on beautiful garden sorrounding it, without waiting for another second, she ran over there careless of the fact Araac was glaring at her with a sharpest frown pasting his face.

But as he was about to stop her from going there, his phone interrupts and giving attention to his cell, he moves to another side.

Here KS was carefree dancing around the cool breeze and dancing hairs all around her mouth when her sight snaps at wooden house just beneath the shade of a old banyanan tree.

Her heart obered an unknown attraction seeing at small yet ethnic house, with out wasting another second, she started climbing up to the tree because the straight stairs upto the house were were miserably broken maybe due to cold and dry winds .

This house might had been untouched for years as she saw broken branches of wood leaning down & touching the ground. But KS enuthusiam didn't faded a bit, she wanted to climb the wooden panel and exprience the sight above the ground from her brown eyes.

Otherside, Araac just completed his call, returned back to same spot looking for Karishma.
But he didn't finded her anywhere - maybe she went inside... It's already cold here! She must be freezing outside.

As he was about to step inside, he saw few branches felling down from the tree but avoids thinking about it because even simple breeze would have cause that in season of autumn .

He entered the the villa randomly moving his fingers through his phone, listening all the congratulations messages from his renowned business partners.

This side Karishma finally climbed up to the wooden plank after facing loads of difficulty. She stood right on a small in - house baloncy enjoying the fresh breeze touching her face and floating her hairs.

She inhaled a deep gush of air inside her lungs which she holded for a second and then pushed out from her mouth.
A sudden weak smile crept on her lips as she opened her eyes seeing all white snowy hills in front of her sight.

She ran her fingers through her hairs setting them back of her earlobe, but a sudden shiver ran down her spine as small goosebumps set across her skin signing how cold the temperature was.

Her off shoulder gown wasn't even helping a bit so took a step back from the railing and  being clumsy, she missed the broken hole and her leg slipped over the wood panel making a loud crash landing on ground.

Her crash landing was loud enough that even whole Manchester would wake in mid night sky thinking a meteorite striked the earth surface, then why wouldn't the devil itself ?

He too came outside but suprisingly this time, there wasn't any frown on his face! He was still married, so sorry! Stuck with his phone taking a random phone call.

But as his soon his eyes falls on Karishma laying in between a bundle of woods, he subconsciously threw his phone in air & ran towards her shouting her name - Karishma!

He rugged down his wedding tuxedo within a minute as he started withdrewing all the wooden logs over her.
He tried to pick up those heavy loaded wood panels as quickly as possible by his eyes were betraying him.

They still fixed at Karishma! Who was merely opening and closing her eyes with each passing minute,he screamed a roar louder than a lion - you helpless morons! where are you?

And suddenly 4 huge body sorrounded her sight, God knows who they were and from where they entered.
But they helped Araac quickly removing those heavy logs from her stomach and legs.

Araac quickly tapped her face asking her to stay awake - just keep blinking your eyes princess doctor is on his way! He said with tears in his eyes as if he was just about to cry taking her into his strong arms.

Few hours passed by
Karishma finally opens her eyes but they were heavy as hell, so she just merely blinked them a couple of times to adjust her sight with the darkness of the room.

Yes, the darkness!
Her eyes roams around & she found herself in queen size bed with a soft furry quilt covering her body.
Her eyes roam around whole room which made her realise that there was no one except her and thousands of candles & laterns lighting the master bedroom a bit.

A cold furry sat right across her face when she tried to get up, mumurring herself - God why is this man so rich if he can't even afford simple tubelights in his room.
Randomly running her hand through her hairs, she tried to sit a bit suddenly she felt nothing over her skin.

Her eyes widen in shock as she pulled up her blanket and peeped a bit but her doubt came out true
Yes, she was naked.
Suddenly, all colours of her face faded up and she feels an uncertain disgust to herself.

Turning her sight away to her body, she looks at plenty of roses laying on ground, a loud shout left her mouth as she screamed out her lungs - araac you bastard.....

Screaming off her lungs her rageous eyes glazed at door dreaming on knocking out his teeth's out of his mouth. But no one came, fumming her anger.

She again tried to shout louder than last time but her cords didn't followed her instruction.
And she miserably fails as her soft scream wouldn't even reached to person next to her.

Being tried of shouting, she tries to move her legs to get up from the bed! But she realised her feets were cuffed to the bed.

Her teeths clenches each other tightening her jaw as random thoughts furried her mind but the most dominant one was he raped her when she was asleep.
Was it for real or it was just her mind thinking that?

Her Reasons! जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें