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As I continued descending the stairs from first floor my eyes traces down at the study which was just behind the staircase.
In brief, I just took her last stair in doubt & passed over to hallway leading me right in front of Araac's study .

Yes, i was standing in front of my darling husband Araac Malhotra most offensive study . Barely looking at anything, I just unlocked the door as baton our house help told me , he called....

There was the devil! The beast or maybe a horrible human being on this earth going through few papers in his hand, I immediately screwed my crystal eyes to  floor.

Sorry for an incorrect interpretation, I just froze at entrance with a heart which was desperately throbbing out of my chest.
I nervously rubbed by hands taking care to not make any nonsense noise while thinking about....

Why would this wild animal called me here, at the place which is always locked and jammed from outside? I'm I safe here or he just going to murder me that I had few good days without him since a while?

Meanwhile, Araac was strongly grossed with bundle of files piled on the table which made him unaware of her presence until he felt someone breathing in the room expect him.
A stubble smirk spread across his face as his raises his one eyebrow in frown - you breathe soo well....he said in a very soft tone.

But thinking him being super sarcastic, she holded her breathe to stop making that irritating sound again .
Araac just stood up from his cushiony chair & directly walked over to her with a genuine smile.

Otherside, her glaze were still set on the ground, until she felt his one hand protectively rubbing over her shoulder .
She thought, she knew this touch - so today, he gonna do me, in this room!

She tightly clutches the edges of her long shirt covering her curves and tries to behold her position until he starts doing every thing he wants!
Because her mind knows being antagonistic to his wild touches is something that would make her bear the vulnerable husband inside him.

But suprisingly that rub stop within a single minute and Araac smoothly dugged her head into hard chest, taking behold that he didn't hurt her.

Being unfamiliar to this kind of soothing touch from him, Karishma didn't even knew how to react. What would be your reply to a monster sinning your body could be maybe sobbing, shouting or drilling out of pain? THINK....

Is this monster trying to make her feel loved? This is something unexpectable and scary which made her release her long holded breath....

As he heard her breathing again Araac steadily took her hands and wrapped them around his neck as his own curled around her back as if he was trying to protect a ice doll.
Karishma slowly processed everything around her with merciless fights running in between her heart and mind.

But subconsciously, she noticed it wasn't the first time she was so close to him. But this time everything is so different. She could feel his heart beat, his hot breath fanning on her forehead but most importantly, for the first time his hands weren't be rough on her body.

Her hands smoothly moved down from his shoulder to his chest, exactly at the place where his heart was, she tightly clutched his T- shirt and weakly speaks - you smell good today...

Earning a weak chuckle from Araac mouth, she heard it but maybe she didn't believed it that's why she broke the hug and looked at him actually smiling.

A wide smile spread across her face as she finally saw him showcasing his cute dimples as chuckled out a nervous laugh at her.
And she immediately kept her head back on his chest, this time curshing him under load of getting her best friend Araac the smirker back.

Her Reasons! जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें