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I wrote this bonus but it might have every inch of mistakes, as I just wrote it few seconds ago.

Karishma blankly glazed at door from which he left with a hope of warmth. She wanted to cry so badly, there was so much going inside her heart, her brain and more off inside her body which was grinning in hopeless pain from that slap.

She subconsciously flared her hands over her hairs in a tensed state as she sat back on couch with tears hung up in her eyes - you don't love me Araac you just want to taste the soul inside me! Her lips mummured to her ears itself.

She pats her hands on the bed in rage of being helpless in front of devil inside him which made her notices the blood stain over the mattress. She vividly looks through her hands and then touched her head, it was bleeding!

KS headed towards the mirror but it was worthless, she was not able see the scar on back of her head & loudly shouted - DAVIS.....
And a huge man wearing a black tight fitted suit and a ear tong attached to his ear entered the room.

Karishma was flickering away from her own hand seeing the blood because she had phobia of running blood.
Davis ran towards her with a scared mind - ma'am what happened to you is every thing fine?

Karishma didn't glazed at anything and pointed at the blood stains at hands with a tearful eyes - I'm bleeding....
Araac killed me by his hands .
Davis understood she was out of state to answer to his query and he shouted on ear tong mic - ma'am is restless, I think she is haemophobic!

Otherside, Araac was standing in front of preist wearing the same black Armani suit with a sorcopion brooch settled on his chest pocket right in front of heart.

Coming to Venue it was defination of serenity, water waves flowing beside the decorated canopy with a chairs and table in white decorated with pink and yellow colour flowers.

Araac ran his hand through his hairs due to soothing breeze, he took a sigh of relief with a big smile - finally, I met you my girl!
He uppered his glaze at  canopy on his head which was beautiful decorated with his favourite flower hues of sky.

Small floral pattern were given around the all white gazebo making everything together, a perfect fit.
The priest was reading few words from the book in his hands & Araac was carefully listening to those words as if they were really going inside his head.

But sudden a bodyguard came by his ear & whispered something which made Araac ran out of this beautiful beach set up.

Meanwhile, KS was threwing everything that came into her site until she again collided the wall, a hard sob left her mouth & bend her head into her knee closing her sight.

Within few minutes Araac hurried inside the room with hands kneeling on his knee as he tried to catch a breathe - hap..pened why... is she crying....?
The bodyguard narrated whatever he knew and araac moved closer to KS with a sugary voice - Princess are you hearing me?

But it was of no use, she had crumbled her ears with her face buried into her knees.
He kneeled down in front of her and his eyes falls on the small scar on her head which was mildly bleeding.
He looked at Davis & he understood what to do next and quietly left.

Within a minute a person enters the room with a kit in his hand and started dressing her wound without any word.

While Araac was just softly holded her hand to restrain her motion as she wasn't even breathing properly.
But suddenly she thrashed their hands into nearby table with loud shout - get away!!!!!

Her Reasons! जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें