
664 51 16

Discalamer - This chapter will contain some volience and abusive language.
Read it only if you are comfortable .

Here, karishma was still juggling with a cuff tied to left foot when she heard someone unlocking the bathroom door.
A smoky loop of hot air left out of the bathroom, maybe due to the hot shower some one had inside.

And unknowingly Karishma stumbled her back on the bed rest tightly, gripping the furry quilt into her fingers.
Her black eyes grew paler in doubt, seeing an unknown man in front of her sight.

That man had an humangus body with huge & broad shoulder, a well-pumped chest and a prominent scar over his right chest.
Which looks like a gun-shot, is this man a mafia?

Scrambled inside her vivid thoughts, karishma grew up from the bed as she huffed a breath, shouting - Araac!!!!!!
But her shout was of no avail the man eyes grew darker in lust as he started glazing her bare arms which were tightly clutching the velvet bedsheet over her naked skin.

Signing of a weak smirk the man took few steady step towards karishma with his one hand, holding his white towel that barely covered him. As he continued grooming his wet hairs from another one with a greedy smile plastering his face.

His knee touched the edge of the bed, the man spoke the very first words from his slutty mouth- God damn! Are you even a thing?
He unwisely moved his fingers over her soft lips feeling them while she was shivering due to fear.

The man continued - you worth more than a million dollars baby girl...
(All of the lust in his eyes pooped out of his mouth within a second as he rolled over his tongue over his dry lips making them wet)

Here karishma just lowered her eyelid vivdly glazing at her tied feets, rubbing them to get the cuff off her feets to escape.
She tightly clutched the bedsheet into her tiny fist shouting inside her mouth - araac please help...please help me God!

Seeing her scared face a wide grin set across man's stuble face as he traced her sight fixed on her tied feets.
He bend down a bit, and touched her legs sensuously while removing the quilt from her feets.

Which made her jerk her feets off while shouting - get off me! You pervert...
But rather than being obstructive to her defense, the man passes a mocking laugh seeing the cuff tied to her feet - you still think you can defeat me little one ?

This made karishma baffled on his statement and he quietly leaned down placing a wet kiss over her toe - you got gorgeous feets ! He blurred out taking a long sniff.
He looked back at karishma eyes which were closed due to disgust she felt feeling his lingering lips on her body and he freed her feets - the game is on?

His soft voice made karishma open her eyes in doubt - game?
But before he could utter the next word his eyes traced karishma, who quickly hided feets underneath the bedsheets and took a firm hold of the quilt as she tired to stand up.

But as she could make another move, the man took a tight grip over her arm and thrusted her down - where are you going beautiful? I paid 5 million dollars for you, tonight...
Saying this, the creepy man tried to hover over her but karishma ecstatically shouted - please help me! this is wrong.... Araac....wrong... Araac!!!!!!!

But rather than being tensed of her continuous shouts, the man lumped up his towel setting it on one side and he started crawling over the bed  to Karishma.

In sense of horror & trauma Karishma just lost her senses and dropped down from the bed, running over the lavish dressing table after rambling her toes underneath the edge of the chair but it didn't mattered at all...

She was scared for herself, her innocence and her life.
The thought of raped on the first night by a stranger was too horrifying for her and she started rushing as far she could.

But a big palm holded her bunch of hairs, stopping her defense with a stern voice - just pause, you bitch!
The man rammed her hairs into his fist and tightly clutched them, making her collide with his hard chest - where were you rushing to? OUT... No way! He shouted in a straight hard voice.

Completing this, the man just smashed his hand across her neck making her collide with a nearby wall, his grip was powerful enough to block her airway and he peeped at her with a serious-husky voice.

'' don't be a fool karishma!
Let me do whatever, I want. You won't regret spending your life with me. He is such a pervert, who sold you for money? But i.... ''
But before he could complete Karishma's face started grewing pale blue, she started badly coughing blood from moutha .

She pittyfully looked back at those brown orbs with a small tears of fear in her eyes which made somehow that man loose his grip over her.
And Karishma dropped down on floor as she disbalanced.

Here man roughly moved from one side of room to other huffing a deep breathes as he coldly mummured - I just wanted to spend a good time but you...
An uncertain whore, you just spoiled my mood! Those tears ahhhh! They make me weak...

And in frustration he just rammed his foot over the chair & it bangs the floor so loudly that karishma keeps her hands over her ear before she could turn deaf.

Steadily, karishma noticed herself liflessly laying on the cold floor, the bedsheet over her. The saviour, was no more able to cover her bare body within the thin layer of it's sheet.

Her hand went to her eyes which sore-red and puffy due to tear lumped inside them. But her heart was so angry and heavy on herself over ruthless her decision to come along araac his home knowing his disordered mental health.

Juggling with these thoughts uncertain dizziness striked her sight which she tried to control but subconsciously her hand went her head as she started her forehead in doubt.

And seeing her detoritating state the thought of lesser resistance came inside the man's wild mind.
He gently took a sigh of relief - finally! He said as he gushed a lump of hot air out from his mouth.

Here, Karishma tried to utter something but she saw man removing his towel in front of her sight which alarmed her brain to make a move.

And suddenly she just moved her hand over dressing table and collected whatever came into her hands and smacked it over the naked man approaching her.

Oh god! It was her bangles that streamed down to man, badly injuring his sight. He just laid down on the floor trying to clear off small glass pieces that had entered into his eyes during her attack.

While karishma blankly looked at his state for a minute but quickly clutched her bedsheet and ran into the bathroom, locking the door from inside.
But here hearing the loud grumbling sound of the man, Davis entered the room.

He carefully looked at the uncovered mattress of bed and quilt hanging over the edge of the dressing table.
And the man in middle 40s  laying down on floor grinning in anger while shouting for help - you bastard! Help me...

Clearing the trance in his mind, Davis kneeled down to help but he stopped as he found broken pieces of bangles laying down on floor.
A weak smile hung his face as he looked back at struggling man - she is smarter than we thought.

Saying this, he moved his hand over the drawer next to him and took out a long-sharp edged knife which was pushed directly into man's abdomen without wasting another minute.

That man grinned for a first few seconds in pain but Davis continued twisting the sharp edge until the man fell down on the ground with a pale face and lifeless body .

The evil smirk on David's face grew stronger as he saw the man dead in front of his sight and he took out his vocky- tocky as blood continued oozing out of the man's dead body.
'' you're work has been done! She is still in horror, come in 5O 67 if you want! ''

And voice from the other side mimicked a weak laugh as he said - let her be alone with body for a while!

It's time to teach her an immortal lesson! Make sure no one is around her.
Saying this the button was locked up from other side and davis left the room without any mere doubt.

Her Reasons! जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें