Karishma is jealoused!

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In evening, Araac kept his promise and took Karishma shopping. As they entered the high-end mall, Karishma felt a mix of anxiety and embarrassment.

She had always been independent, working hard for everything she had. The thought of spending Araac's money, especially on expensive items, made her uncomfortable.

Araac, however, seemed determined to shower her with gifts. He led her into designer stores, picking out clothes, shoes, and accessories without a second thought.

"Try this," he said, handing her a beautiful dress.
"And this one too," he added, piling more items into her arms.Karishma hesitated, looking at the price tags with wide eyes.

"Araac, these are too expensive," she murmured, trying to hand the items back. "I don't need all this."

But Araac waved off her concerns, his expression softening slightly. "Nonsense, Karishma. You deserve the best. Now, go try them on."

Reluctantly, she entered the fitting room, feeling out of place amidst the luxurious surroundings. She tried on the clothes, each piece fitting her perfectly, but the sense of discomfort lingered.

As Karishma stepped out of the fitting room in a stunning dress, Araac's eyes lit up with admiration. He approached her, his gaze never leaving her form.

"Beautiful," he said softly, his tone genuine and filled with a rare tenderness.

Karishma's heart fluttered with a mix of emotions-pleasure at his compliment and discomfort at the lavish attention. She stood still as Araac moved closer, reaching out to adjust the fabric of the dress on her shoulders.

"This fits you perfectly," he murmured, his fingers lingering on her skin a bit longer than necessary.

He smoothed the fabric down her sides, his touch becoming more intimate as his hands glided over her hips and down to the small of her back.

Karishma's discomfort grew with each passing second. "Araac, I think this dress is fine," she said, her voice slightly trembling.

Araac ignored her unease, his hands moving to the front of the dress, checking the fabric over her chest.

"I just want to make sure it's perfect for you, princess," he said, his voice low and intense.

Karishma took a small step back, trying to put some distance between them.
"Yes, it is, Araac. I think we should go now." Araac looked into her eyes, a hint of frustration flickering in his gaze.

But he masked it quickly, stepping back and nodding. "Alright, let's get all of these packed," he said, waving a hand to the sales assistant.

"But Araac," she began, her voice tinged with frustration.

"I don't need all of this. I was fine with what I had. You don't have to buy me things to make up for... for everything."

His expression darkened slightly, but he quickly masked it with a forced smile. "It's not just about making up for anything. I want you to have nice things, to feel cared for. Isn't that what you deserve?"

Karishma looked down, her hands clutching the expensive fabric of the dress she was wearing. She didn't know how to reconcile the kind gesture with the pain he had caused.

"I just don't feel right about it," she said quietly.Ignoring her words, Araac continued his spree, picking out jewelry, handbags, and even booking an appointment at a high-end salon for her.

Her Reasons! जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें