Marking his Terrority!

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Later that night, Araac slipped out of bed carefully, not wanting to wake Karishma. He made his way to the bathroom, the cool tiles beneath his feet grounding him as he turned on the shower.

The warm water cascaded over him, washing away the tension and remnants of the night's events. After his shower, he wrapped a towel around his waist and walked back into the room.

The moonlight filtering through the curtains cast a soft glow on Karishma's petite figure, barely covered by a thin blanket. Araac sat on the couch, his eyes fixed on her, a mixture of emotions swirling within him.

He touched the scar on his arm, feeling the slight sting as it bled a little. A small, satisfied smile played on his lips.
This was a scar from the planned goon attack, a calculated risk he had taken to get closer to Karishma.

"Thanks to him, I got everything I wanted," he murmured to himself, his gaze still on Karishma.

He had orchestrated the attack to evoke Karishma's protective instincts, to make her feel responsible and guilty, and to draw her closer to him. The plan had worked better than he had imagined.

Her guilt and fear had driven her into his arms, breaking down the final barriers between them.Araac leaned back on the couch, his mind replaying the events of the evening.

The look of terror in Karishma's eyes as the goons attacked, her sobs as he fought them off, and the way she clung to him afterwards—it had all played out perfectly.

But as he watched her sleep, a small part of him wondered if there could have been another way. He shook off the thought, reminding himself that he had achieved his goal.

Karishma was now his, in every sense of the word. Tomorrow, they would continue their vacation in Barcelona, but tonight, he would savor this victory.

Araac stood up and walked back to the bed, sliding in beside Karishma. He gently wrapped an arm around her, feeling her stir slightly before settling back into sleep.

"Goodnight, my love," he whispered, closing his eyes and letting sleep overtake him. The road ahead might still have its challenges, but for now, he was content.

He had what he wanted, and he would do whatever it took to keep it!!!

In the morning, the soft rays of the sun streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. Karishma stirred, slowly waking up.

As the events of the previous night came rushing back to her, a wave of nervousness washed over her. She turned to see Araac still asleep beside her, his face peaceful and relaxed.

She gently slipped out of bed, careful not to wake him. Wrapping the blanket around her, she sat by the window, staring out at the view of Barcelona.

The city was waking up, vibrant and bustling, but inside her, a storm of emotions raged.The memory of the goon attack, Araac's injuries, and their passionate night together played in her mind.

She felt a pang of guilt knowing Araac had gotten hurt because of her insistence to see the flamenco show. She also felt a mix of confusion and fear about the intimacy they had shared.

Despite her resolve to become closer to him, the intensity of his emotions and actions overwhelmed her. Araac stirred and slowly opened his eyes, seeing Karishma by the window.

He got up, wrapping a robe around himself, and walked over to her.
"Good morning, Princess" he said softly, his voice still thick with sleep. "How are you feeling?"

Her Reasons! जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें