Violent Act!

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Read with care, it contains violence! Really sorry for the late or say dead update! 😫

Karishma hurriedly walked towards the room Araac had indicated, each step heavy with the dread of what awaited her. She reached the room and hesitated at the door, her hand trembling as she pushed it open.

Inside, she found a middle-aged woman with stern features standing by a large desk cluttered with papers. The woman looked up and met Karishma's eyes, her expression unreadable.

"Ah, you must be Karishma," the woman said, her voice firm. "I'm Mrs. Naina, your new professor. Take a seat."

Karishma complied, sitting at one of the desks. The room was quiet, filled with an air of strict discipline that contrasted sharply with the chaotic emotions swirling inside her.

Mrs. Naina wasted no time. "Your husband has arranged for you to complete your studies here, under my supervision. Given the circumstances, this will be your classroom from now on. You'll adhere to a strict schedule and complete all assignments as directed. Do you understand?"

Karishma nodded, barely able to muster her voice to respond. "Yes, ma'am."

The days that followed were a blur of rigorous study and emotional turmoil. Araac's presence loomed over every aspect of her life, his dominance inescapable.

Despite her efforts to focus on her studies, her thoughts often drifted to her oppressive reality, the tension of her marriage, and the haunting memories of that fateful night.

One evening, after a particularly grueling day of classes, Karishma returned to their room.
Araac was already there, reclining on the bed with his phone. As she entered, he looked up and smirked.

"How was your day, princess?" he asked, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Karishma forced a smile, masking the pain and frustration that threatened to overwhelm her. "It was fine," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Araac's eyes darkened. "Fine isn't good enough princess. You need to do better"

The pressure was suffocating, but Karishma knew she had no choice but to endure. As she lay in bed that night, tears silently streamed down her face.

The devilish man beside her had robbed her of her freedom, her peace, and her identity. Yet, in the depths of her despair, a flicker of resolve began to grow.

She would find a way to reclaim her life, to break free from the chains that bound her.And with that glimmer of hope, she closed her eyes, determined to survive another day.

As the night grew deeper, Araac put away his phone and turned his attention to Karishma. He shifted in the bed, stretching his legs out and glancing at her with an expectant look.

"Massage my feet," he commanded, his tone leaving no room for negotiation.

Karishma hesitated, her heart pounding. She was exhausted, physically and emotionally, and the thought of catering to his whims made her stomach churn. She shook her head slightly, trying to muster the courage to refuse.

"I'm tired, Araac" she whispered, hoping he would show some mercy.

But Araac's eyes darkened with anger. He sat up, his face contorting with rage. "Tired?" he sneered.

"That's not an excuse. It's your duty as my wife to take care of me. Or have you forgotten your place?"

Karishma's heart sank, but she stood her ground, her voice trembling. "I'm not a servant, Araac. I'm your wife, and I deserve to be treated with some respect."

Her Reasons! जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें