its only the first day - two

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Zoey's pov

"I'll be your host, Chris McLean!" he yelled. "WHAT?!" Courtney yelled, standing up. "NO THERES NO WAY!" others started yelling. Everyone started yelling and booing and stuff. "We're done with total drama!" I also yelled. "KIDDING! It's a prank, but I will be your principal," Chris smirked. "Ugh why you," Heather yelled from the top of the bleachers. "Well the old one didn't wanna deal with a bunch of Total Drama kids, so they offered it to me," he smiled.

"And you agreed why? You hate us," Duncan yelled. "I hate most of you.. yes. But I get money from this and I know how to deal with you all," Chris messed with his hair. "Oh, and my assistant is the one and only.." he started off. Chef ran into the gym with an evil smile on his face. "Me," he smirked. "Oh gosh no," Courtney rolled her eyes. "Now you all better start heading to class before I give out detentions," Chris smiled.

Everyone started running, no one wanted a detention the first day. "What's your first class?" I asked Courtney. "Biology," she rolled her eyes. "Oo same!" Bridgette smiled. "Aw, I got computer science," I frowned. "So do I!" Cam jumped in. "Oh good," I smiled. "Cam-Codykins! So do I!" Sierra hugged him. "I'm Cameron! Why don't you go bother Cody," Cam shouted.

"You're my cody!" she exclaimed. "Sierra? Courtney? Bridgette?" some people said our names. We looked back and saw Justin, Trent, and Cody. "Oh hey guys!" Courtney smiled. "Cody?" Sierra asked. "That's me.." he mumbled. "I found a new cody, don't worry about me," Sierra smiled, holding onto Cam. "Wait, you aren't obsessed with me anymore?" Cody asked.

She shook her head no then Cam frowned. "Oh.." he mumbled. Sierra and Cam walked away, well, more like Sierra dragged Cam away. "We should go too," Bridgette said to Courtney. They said bye to the guys then walked off to class. "Uh, well i'ma go too," I giggled. "Wait aren't you Zoey?" Justin asked me. "Yep! And you guys are.... Justin... Trent... and Cody!" I said, pointing to each of them.

"Yep the one and only," Justin smiled proudly. Trent rolled his eyes. "Nice to meet you, and good job on winning All Stars," Trent smiled. "Thanks!" I giggled. "What's your first class?" I asked the three of them. "Computer science," Cody and Trent both said. "Drama," Justin flipped his hair. "Looks like we have the same class," I said to Trent and Cody. "We'll see you at lunch man," Trent said to Justin. We split up and each left to class.

When we got to class, Cam was already in there, along with Alejandro, Gwen, Dawn, Scott, and B. "The others still need to get here," the teacher said not looking up from her phone. "Hi Dawn! Hi B!" I waved at them. "Hello Zoey!" Dawn exclaimed. B waved at me and I took a seat by Cam. Trent sat next to me and Cody left to sit by Gwen who was sitting alone. I noticed Trent and Gwen made eye contact but he looked down.

"Zoey!" Mike yelled. I recognize his voice anywhere! "Mike!" I yelled, running over to him. "Geez when was the last time you seen each other?" Trent laughed. "Since All Stars," I answered his question, letting go of Mike. "Why so long?" Cam asked. "He went to visit some family somewhere else," I replied. "Ew can you two sit down," Scott yelled. I glared at him then led Mike to sit down next to me. We sat across from Trent and Cam. "Well this class is gonna be a long one," I rolled my eyes.

Heather's pov

Ugh. Since Total Drama is over, we're back in school. I thought I would never have to deal with these losers again, but I was wrong. Here I am with them for high school too. "Amor?" someone said. I looked over and saw him. Alejandro. "Ew who are you calling Amor?" I asked in disgust.

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