the breakup - fifteen

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A few days later
Gwen's POV

I was sitting in my room writing in my journal but suddenly there was knocking at my front door. "Coming!" I yelled as I headed to open it. It was Trent. "Trent? What are you doing here," I asked. "Geoff and I have an idea we can all do over the weekend," he said. "What is it?" I asked. "We were thinking we all go camping in the forest as a huge group," he explained. "Wait that sounds fun actually," I smiled. "So i'm guessing you're down?" he smiled. "Yes I am," I laughed. "Great, i'll tell Geoff," he nodded. "I'm going to everyone's house so I can explain it," he laughed. "Oh okay," I laughed as well. "Well I should get going," he pointed back. "Alright i'll see ya," I smiled. He started walking off and Duncan pulled up as he was leaving.

"What the fuck??" he asked annoyed. "Oh Duncan! So glad I ran into you," he smiled at Duncan. "Save it," Duncan shoved him. "DUNCAN!" I yelled. "Hey don't take it the wrong way man! I'm going to everyone's houses to tell them a plan," Trent explained as he got back up from the ground. "I don't wanna hear it, don't come to my girlfriends house creep," Duncan glared at him. "Okay Duncan that's enough," I pulled him away from Trent. "I'll just have Geoff tell you," Trent rubbed his arm before he turned around to walk away. He left and I stared at Duncan. "Why are you starting stuff?" I asked. "Well why was he here and why are you defending him?" he asked all pissed off.

"Oh my gosh he literally explained it to you!" I yelled. "Okay and why do you always defend him??" he asked again. "You always try and attack him! I can't talk to him?" I yelled back. He stared at me and backed away from me. "I'm starting to think you like him," he crossed his arms. I stared at him in disbelief and shook my head. "If anyone should think anything it's me, you still like Courtney." I slowly said. His eyes widened and he got closer to me. "What are you talking about? I only like you," he said. "Duncan. You and I both know how you feel about Courtney," I looked down at my feet. "No I don't!" he yelled. "I heard your conversation with Scott after school the day he won," I finally admitted and looked up at him.

He didn't say anything after I said that. "I tried so hard to convince myself it was just jealousy but I know you like her," I said. He looked away and sighed. "Gwen I like you, I really do. But I also think my feelings for her just suddenly came back," he finally confessed. "No Duncan, they've always been there," tears formed in my eyes. "Now please leave, whatever this is that we have left.. it's over," I sighed. "Gwen.." he mumbled. I pushed him out the door and closed it. I walked to my couch and sat down slowly. I then began to cry. I really did try to convince myself it was just me being jealous and he didn't like her but my thoughts were confirmed after his conversation with Scott.

Zoey's POV

Bridgette, Geoff, Mike, and I were in the middle of watching a movie at Geoff's house when there was a knock at his door. Geoff got up and opened it. "Oh hey Duncan!" he shouted. "We broke up," was the first thing he said. The three of us quickly looked back at the door. "Uh.. there's people here.." Geoff slowly laughed awkwardly as he pointed at us. Duncan's eyes widened as he looked at us. "Oh hey.." he laughed awkwardly as well. "Guys don't tell anyone," Duncan glared at us. "We won't," we all said at the same time. "What happened dude?" Geoff asked as he let him in. They joined us on the couch and Duncan explained. "Well.. basically," he started.

"I saw Trent at her house, I yelled, she defended him, I yelled again, we argued, I said she defends him too much and I think she likes him, she yelled that I like Courtney, I yelled I don't, she said she heard me and Scott talking and so.. yeah." he explained super fast. "Your conversation with Scott?" I asked. "What was it?" Mike asked as well. "Uh, I don't want to say," he mumbled. "Oh okay," I shrugged. "So you like Courtney?" Bridgette smirked. "No I don't," he glared at her. "Are you sure?" I asked as well. "I DONT! I like Gwen but she broke up with me," Duncan sighed. "It's okay bro," Geoff patted his head. "Honestly, maybe it was best. We've been arguing A LOT recently," Duncan shrugged as he explained. "Just take time for yourself now," Mike also patted his shoulder. "Ew this kindness is too much but thanks guys," he tried not to smile.

"Wait, you may want to leave soon.. i'm not kicking you out but we invited Courtney and I don't know how you feel about her," Bridgette explained. "Oh yeah you're right," Duncan got up quick. He started heading out to the door and opened it. Right when he opened it, Courtney was standing there. "Oh I was about to knock," she giggled. He laughed awkwardly and walked past her. Courtney walked in and closed the door. "Hi guys!" she smiled. "Hey!" Bridgette and I waved at her. "What's up?" she asked as she joined us. "Nothing we were just watching a movie," Bridgette explained. "Why did Duncan leave?" Courtney asked. "Oh he had things to do," Geoff said. Bridgette and I looked at each other knowing we would most likely tell her later.

word count: 971

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